Unexpected Guest

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    I woke up late that day, and I spent it cleaning up the mess I made last night. When I was finished I texted Luke to ask him to meet for dinner. I then showered and got ready, then melted Luke, we went to our favorite spot, Bdubs. Inside we got seated and ordered drinks. 
"Hey man, thanks for meeting me"
"Your welcome Y/n, you said you wanted to talk a bit"
"Yeah, um, thanks for the noise suppression system you set up at. my place, I had a bit of self therapy including trashing my apartment and screaming"
"your welcome, but care to elaborate?"
"Not really, no, just some stupid stuff"
"Like what?"
"Just mad at myself for not being able to do something, and Gwen stopped by"
"Really, what did she want to talk to you about"
"Well, when I was called into the office yesterday on Friday, the counselor talked to me, and I said some stuff about my feelings for Gwen, which she heard because she was in the office. So she came back and talked, but I shut her down and made her feel like shit. But she really did a number on my man"
"That really sucks"
Our waitress came up and we ordered food, I got wings and Luke got a burger, I was glad I could talk to Luke, we had always been ready to give eachother therapy sessions when needed. We then continued talking.
"I just, dont know what to do, I let down every fucking person who knows me, anything I touch dies."
"It does not, I'm still here aren't I, even after having to listen to all your bullshit"
"But that's the thing, you would be the only person who would miss me if I was gone"
"Don't go there"
"You know I wouldn't, thats not me"
"I know, just can't be too careful, so anything else you wanna get off your chest?"
"Yes, uh I may need to repeat this year"
We continued to talk that night, staying there for far too many refills and far too much food. I was swinging home when my police radio said they were pursuing a vehicle. So i decided to help, by spinning a web and driving the car into it, the thugs then came outside of it, one had a fucking rocket launcher.

"That is a Texas level of open carry" I said punching out all the people except the rocket launcher guy when I got a few yards of space between us when he shot, I jumped up and used my webs to redirect the rocket into the sky, taking out the guy when he was reloading. I then left, getting high into the air when I was engulfed by a black goo, I lost control and fell into an alley, my back denting some pipes. My suit changed to black. and I now had twin pistols on my thighs, and I also noticed my webs were now black.

There was a mugging in an alley nearby, I went to stop it and try to save the woman getting mugged. I dropped down on the pipes above the scene where I pulled one of the two guys to me and knocked him out, hanging from the pipe using my webs. The second guy heard this and turned his knife towards the dark alley, the woman running away after collecting her things. I kicked the second guy and webbed his hands and feet to the ground. "Looks like you two got yourselves into a sticky situation." I quipped, as I raised my hand to swing away I realized I don't have enough web fluid in my shooters, I reached down to my waist to get new cartridges when my hand went for the pistol on my side. I don't know why and It wasn't me doing it. "The fuck?" I said when the gun was pointed at the thugs in the ground. "They need to do it, they wished harm on another '' A voice in my head said, it wasn't mine, it was a deep and growl-y voice. Then it shot "Noooo" I said and it shot the other thug "Why the fuck did you so that"

"They are criminals who deserve to die"
"Who that fucl do you think you are to be judge, jury and executioner"
"I am Venom"
"Well fuck off venom"
I swung home and the venom suit disappeared, my old one showing underneath, which I took off. After putting on a t-shirt and shorts I ate a bowl of cereal and went to bed.

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