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Y/n Pov

 Me and Gwen were on the couch after school, we were watching tv when my phone went off and I checked it, it was an invite to be the guest of honor at Prom. Gwen read it and asked me something
"Are you gonna go"
"I dont know"
"Why not"
"There are two reasons, one is Venom defeated Fisk, not me. two is Spiderman is Peter's name"
"Y/n, Peter made you spiderman, I remember."
"OK i'll do it, it's Friday night"
"That's great"
"Will you be my date?"
"Of course"

    Prom night came around and I wore my spider suit, the planners asked me to wear it, but I knew Gwen wanted me to wear something nice so I adjusted the suit to have a bow tie. I was in the limo I got and went to pick up Gwen, I made my suit into a tux, I don't think George would want spiderman picking up his daughter. When I got there I walked up to the door and Helen answered 

"Hi Helen"
"Hi Y/n, you look handsome"
"Thank you"
"George went to get Gwen, come in"
"Thank you"

    I walked into their house and said Hi to Howard, I was waiting in the living room with Gwen's dad, she still needed a second to get ready. George gave me the standard dad talk and Gwen eventually came down. I stood up and handed her the corsage I bought "You look absolutely gorgeous" I complimented as I took Gwen's hand. "Thank you, you look very handsome" Gwen said in response "You look beautiful Gwen" Her mom and dad said "Thank you mom and dad" she responded and her mom told us feat she wanted to get some pictures on the porch. After pictures I held Gwen's hand as we walked to the Limo, I held open the door for her. "Chivalry isn't dead after all" I said, it was an inside joke between the two of us. In the car we talked until we got there, I changed my spider suit into its natural state with a bow tie and Gwen laughed 
"Sorry, that's just funny"
"They asked me to wear this"
"I know"
"I'll make you a deal, i'll dance with you in a tux for a slow dance."

    We got there and me and Gwen sat down, Luke came over to meet us, he had asked a girl named Chloe to go with him and she said yes, the two of them sat down with us, I knew Chloe from science. We talked for a bit until someone came on stage "Hello, students, welcome to prom" She said and the gym was filled with cheers "We have a fun night ahead of us but first let's read off our prom King and Queen nominations. For prom queen we have Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, and Liz Toomes" Everyone cheered for the girls and the boys were next up "For prom King we have Flash Thompson, Luke Evans and Y/n L/n" I dont know what else I expected, but everyone cheered very, very loud when they said my name "Now speaking of Y/n L/n, can we get him up here on stage?" I webbed myself up to the stage, I knew how to entertain a crowd "Everybody Welcome to the stage Spiderman!" the announcer said "Hey guys, how are you all doing?" I asked and the crowd yelled their answers "That's good I'm glad to hear, if you said anything other than happy or along those lines, I'm sad to hear that and I hope that changes. Anyway, I know there's a lot of love in the air tonight, so Gwen Stacy can you please get up here?" Gwen got here and I continued to talk into the mic "Welcome to the stage, my girlfriend Gwen, who I will be dancing with for THE FIRST SLOW DANCE OF THE NIGHT!" I yelled the last part and everyone cheered. The music started and everyone went to the dance floor, I took Gwen and we started dancing
"You did good up there"
"Thank you. You did a very good job of looking pretty up there, then again you never have to try"
"I forgot how smooth you can be, other times you literally fall on the ground without my help"
"Is this something that happened between you and drunk Y/n?"
"I need to keep a leash on him"
"Its funny how you think of your drunk self as a different person"
"Well he is, he can't keep his mouth shut, he says things that should be kept secret, he can't stand on his own and he slurs his words, not to mention he can't use spider powers. The only similarity is the broodiness and the looks''
"Very good looks I might add"
"Well thank you pretty Lady"

    Gwen chuckled and we danced in silence, listening to the music, Gwen was leaning against my chest, I'm pretty sure she was listening to my heart beat, I know she was torn up when she thought I died, I couldn't imagine what was going through her head "You know this isn't a dream right? It's really me, dancing with you at prom, totally alive and in love with you" I said and she looked at me, a tear rolled down her cheek, I wiped it away and out my hands on her neck.

"Don't cry, its ok"
"I'm sorry"
"You don't need to be, I wanna know what's wrong so I can make it better."
"It's just, you died, and I was more than sad, I just didn't know if I could function without you, I feel like all of a sudden I'm gonna wake up in my bed, wearing your jacket and realize this was all a dream"
"It's not a dream, im here, do I need to pinch you"

    I squeezed her hand instead and I kissed her, I could see the relief in her eyes as I pulled away

"See, were in real life, im here"
"Yeah, i'm glad"

    The Gwen hugged me for a few seconds and the song ended. "Care for a drink M'lady" I asked Gwen "Of course sir" she replied and I went to get her and I drinks. I brought them back to the table and sat with Gwen, I put my Arm around her and she leaned into me, I switched my suit to a tux, I thought the metal wouldn't be too comfortable against her head "You two are so cute together" Chloe said to us over the music and we smiled, we talked for about and then ended up dancing again with Luke and Chloe as a group and went back to the table. "Does anyone know what time it is" the person on the stage announced "No" the crowd responded and she told us "It is time to announce the winners of prom King and Queen, and this year's Prom King is… drum roll pease… Y/n L/n!" She said. The crowd erupted in cheers. I didn't expect anything else, I knew people would go crazy for spiderman once they knew who I was, I walked on stage and accepted the crown "And now for prom queen… drum roll please" She let this one drone on for a few more seconds than mine and said "This years prom queen is GWEN STACY" she yelled and the whole gym practically shook with applause. Gwen stood up and accepted her crown. The slow dance started and me and Gwen danced, holding each other and eventually kissing, afterwards she just leaned her head against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her, embracing her feeling against me. We danced late into the night, having fun and being romantic and eating food. 
"I love you Gwen"
"I love you too Y/n"

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