The morning was cold, and dark. The clouds covered the sky completely, grey and unwelcoming.
It was a fitting start to a shitty day.
Though Jungkook had tried his best to make him happy, Taehyung just couldn't find it in himself to smile once that day. Not even a fake one. He could only give the brown haired bunny a nod when a joke was made, in an attempt to even force out a giggle. He only muttered a quiet thank you when a plate of fruit and a small bowl of yogurt was placed in front of him. Only 3 bites total were taken.
Currently, he was lying down on the floor in front of his couch, Jungkook having left around an hour ago. Taehyung thought it was because of how depressed he seemed, how he made even the air around them sad. Jungkook protested, saying he was just going to be late.
What he was going to be late for, Taehyung had no clue. There was no further explination, the taller boy had just gave him a kiss on the cheek and a small smile before heading out of the door.
The TV, which was currently playing Venom, was of no interest to him. No matter how much he loved Tom Hardy, nothing seemed to make him happy.
Taehyung breathed in deeply, as his former therapists had taught him, and tried to clear his mind.
Tried to rid his thoughts of the blonde that plagued his memory.
He didn't want to forget Jimin, ever. But even thinking of the times when they had just met, had only just begun to know each other, brought a scowl to his face which quickly turned into quivering lips and glassy, teary eyes.
Last night he had thought he cried all the tears he had.
That thought was wiped away as the tears freely fell from his eyes and onto the floor.
When he looked up to the TV once more, trying to distract himself with the vision of Eddie stealing other people's food and spitting it out, he only took a shaky breath in.
The picture next to the TV was one of just Jimin, his side profile from when he had pink hair.
"This is dead," The TV echoed, "Dead."
It was almost funny, how quickly that line went from something he would snort at to something that would make him cry.
He choked on a sob, quickly pushing himself to his knees and covering his face with his hands.
Images of Jimin invaded his mind, moving like a slideshow. One after the other, almost in chronological order.
The pictures of when Jimin still had his bright orange hair, and he his mint green. When Jimin was still shy and flustered even by looking in his general direction. They faded into the scenes, the almost out of body experiences, of them fighting. The one time Taehyung had accidentally broken one of Jimin's trophies, the glass dancer laid shattered on the ground. Those times Jimin had bottled up his feelings until they exploded, only taking his anger out on Taehyung. Nothing physical, just harsh words the elder always regretted saying.
And then the images faded to where they made up, always by the end of the day. Images where Taehyung accompanied Jimin to anger managment courses. To help him better control his anger and learn not to bottle up his emotions.
Dizzyness flooded his body, and he used the couch as support to stand. He hurriedly made his way to their-his-bedroom, looking for the drawer he told himself he would never have to open again. Instead of what he was hoping to find, when he managed to find the key and shakily unlock the small compartment in their-his-bedside table, he found something that made him stop dead.
Instead of a blade accompanied by his medicine, was a box. A black, velvet box.
With shaking hands and a blank mind, he grabbed it and flipped it open.
A small piece of paper fell out before he had a chance to look at what was inside, and he opened the note while closing the box and putting it aside. He would look at it after.
Hi baby,
Incase you open this drawer before I do again, I wanted to say how much I love you.
I know saying that probably won't stop you, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, and I'd rather you know that and talk to me before stopping the progress you've made. You've come so far and I'm so fucking proud of you.
Now, you're probably wondering not only how I knew of the drawer and it's contents, but why I put the note and the box in here.
I know you. You've never been good at keeping secrets from me. You got so drunk one day and spilled basically your whole life story. I tried to get you to talk about, but it seemed that it was too sensitive a subject, so I pretended I forgot and haven't thought about it in a while.
The box; I bought the box and what's inside on our 1st aniversary. But I was too chicken to give it to you.
This is a much easier way for me to do this.
There was a whole paragraph crossed out and doodles of faces and hearts around it, but Taehyung could make out small words of cheesiness that made him let out a little giggle.
So, because I'm not chicken:
Marry me?
Taehyung stared at the note until his eyes went cross and he shook his head. He gently set the note beside the box before picking the latter up.
The ring was simple and beautiful, just a white gold band with 1 medium sized diamond in the middle, 2 smaller ones surrounding it. Compared to the rings he had seen on other friend's fingers, he knew Jimin went more simple. And he loved it.
But Jimin wasn't there to give it to him.
So did he slide it on his own finger? Or pretend he never saw it?
1024 words hoes
I've been drawing again recently. It's fun
There's 2 tae drawings above. The more realistic one is from like 2018. I don't really draw people, I'm not great at it, and I usually don't use color either because black and white drawings are cool
Stay safe and healthy <3
Anyways, bye bye <33!!

Some Say You're Lost-TaegixVmin
Fanfiction"Don't go, I have a bad feeling Min," Taehyung mumbled. There was a pit in the bottom of his stomach that warned him, that told him nothing good was to come of Jimin leaving. The elder sat on the couch, Taehyung in his lap. His hands cupped Taehyung...