He noticed it a few days after his mini panic attack.
"Yoongi Hyung? Where's my phone?"
Yoongi stilled from were he was cutting up carrots, "I have no clue, maybe check the dressers?"
"I checked everywhere but your room, I didn't wanna intrude. Oh, the basement too, that's too scary. Can I use yours to call it? Or my friend, Hoseok? I miss my friends, I haven't seen them in a while." Taehyung peered over the stove, grinning happily when he saw that Yoongi was making beef stew. It had gotten colder lately, and he'd been craving stew for a while.
"It's not safe Taehyungie. To go out."
He pouted, "Even to see them? I'll be careful, promise!"
"I said no Taehyung."
"Okay...can I still call him, though?"
Yoongi clicked his tongue and slammed the knife down into the counter, "I said no."
Taehyung jumped back from the stove, recoiling quickly, "S-sorry Hyung."
He hated being yelled at.
Yoongi softened rather easily, seeing him scared, "No, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just worried. This guy's sick, Taehyung. He could really hurt you."
Taehyung wanted to believe everything Yoongi said. But it started to feel off.
It began to feel more off when Yoongi started restricting him. On just about everything.
"No, Taehyung," He would say, when Taehyung said he was going out for a bit, "He might see you outside. You have to be in here."
"No Taehyung, I said no!" He'd yell, when Taehyung would yet again ask to call his friends, even if it was just for a minute,"Just...please trust me."
Taehyung wanted to trust him, he really did. But there was a sinking feeling in his gut, again, that told him to leave.
He couldn't though, could he? There was some guy out there, that knew where he lived. Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook couldn't take him, they barely had enough space as it was. Hoseok was an option, but before Taehyung had gone to stay with Yoongi, he had been aloof and plain weird.
"Taehyung, I won't say it again," Yoongi would speak lowly, almost threatingly, "I'm just trying to protect you."
It felt most off when he created punishments.
"No TV, you went outside."
What was he, a child? He didn't even watch TV that much anyways, he mostly spent his time with Yoongi.
They often played cards, Yoongi teaching him the ins and outs of poker, and they'd occasionally play blackjack. Mostly, they'd sit and talk though. Taehyung couldn't remember the last time he'd been so comfortable with someone, other than Jimin.
He pushed away that voice, telling him Yoongi wasn't as good as he seemed. Yoongi was being helpful, and loving, and a really good friend.
Sometimes, he'd be a little rough, but it was okay. It was only when Taehyung wasn't listening. It was okay, because it was Yoongi.
"Taehyung, come on," Yoongi would say, in that tone of voice, and Taehyung would shiver violently.
"N-no, Hyung I'm sorry-"
But Yoongi wouldn't listen. He'd bring Taehyung into that room, shut off the lights, and close the door.
Taehyung never liked the dark.
Taehyung never liked small spaces.
Everything was off, and he knew it.
But, if he was being honest? He didn't care. He didn't care that there was something seriously wrong, he didn't care that Yoongi was getting worse.
He hated it, but he didn't care.
Yoongi said he'd been here for months already, and that he couldn't believe it. Taehyung couldn't either. It felt like days. He felt like he was going crazy.
"Taehyung-ah, come on." Yoongi said softly, and he smiled, "Dinners ready."
"Coming Hyungie," he grinned, "just a minute, I'm almost done writing."
Yoongi had gotten him a computer, when he said he felt suffocated without a way to vent. He didn't have much to do on it, other then a few single-player games and google docs. But he liked writing. He had a document for his little diary thingy, the one he wrote in every day, and he had so, so many docs with the stories he wrote.
He wrote about a boy who fell in love, only for his love to vanish.
He wrote about a boy who had been kidnapped, without a way out, because he fell in love with his kidnapper.
He wrote about a boy who's love came back to life, and they lived happily ever after.
Right now, he was writing about a boy who felt trapped. The boy couldn't stand to give up the one he lost, but he had to accept the loss. The boy had to though, because his best friend said so.
"Hurry up, don't let it get cold."
Taehyung gave Yoongi his biggest smile, before he jumped up from his desk chair and skipped over to the elder.
Yoongi slipped an arm around his waist, and Taehyung let it happen.
Taehyung let Yoongi feed him, and smiled gratefully when the taller took his plate when they both finished. Yoongi was so nice to him.
"Taehyungie, my love."
Taehyung looked up from where he was picking his nails, "Hyungie?"
"You like it here right?"
"Of course!"
"You'll never leave, right?"
"Nope." Taehyung leaned on Yoongi's shoulder when he sat down, eyes shifting to the TV, unfocused.
884 words
Lalisa and Money are fucking fire k bye

Some Say You're Lost-TaegixVmin
Fanfiction"Don't go, I have a bad feeling Min," Taehyung mumbled. There was a pit in the bottom of his stomach that warned him, that told him nothing good was to come of Jimin leaving. The elder sat on the couch, Taehyung in his lap. His hands cupped Taehyung...