Bitter Silence

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Furuichi's family had returned from their trip to find the silvernette resting in his room. With everything they explored over the course of the week, Furuichi marveled at how even blinking made him feel sore. Oga gave Furuichi the weekend to rest, but it didn't stop the brunet from thinking about Furuichi all the time.

Going back to school the following Monday, Furuichi met Oga at his gate like always. As they walked, Furuichi felt Oga's hand creep around his. Holding hands in public still made Furuichi nervous, but they settled on holding each other's pinky. Their fan group smelled a delicious change between the couple yards before the boys reached the school gate. Oga and Furuichi shielded their eyes from the flashes of light from dozens of cameras. "Ack!"

"Did you guys do it?"

"They totally did it!"

"How far did you get?"

A barrage of other personal questions fired at the teens until they were forced to run from the direction of their school. Lucky for them, the fan group was buzzing between each other with their speculative curiosities to follow them. "," Furuichi panted when they were a good distance from the school. "Agreed. C'mon," Oga dragged Furuichi down to the subway station. "Where are we going?"

"If we're going to ditch school, may as well go somewhere fun."

As the two boys sat down in their booth, Furuichi smiled broadly at the brunet in front of him. What a crazy guy. Moments later a beautiful blond came over to their table and immediately gave Oga a simpering smile, "Hello there handsome. Oh, and hello."

Furuichi locked his jaw shut. Furuichi fought back a growl, but was relieved to know that Oga was too oblivious to flirt bac-

"Hello there...Nanami."

Furuichi's eyes snapped on Oga, his boyfriend's tone making the acid roil in his gut.

"Do you want the menu, or should I give you one of our limited edition specials in the back?"

"I'll have a menu, thanks."

"Suit yourself," Nanami laid the menus on the table and sauntered away from their booth.

"What the hell was that?"

"What was what?"

Furuichi squeezed his calf muscle under the table, "Nothing. I guess I'm just hungry."

The rest of their date went smoothly, Nanami waiting on other tables much to Furuichi's relief. When Furuichi came back from the restroom, his heart sank lower than the floor beneath him. There were Oga and Nanami laughing over a shared joke, her slimy little hand on Oga's shoulder. Furuichi marched over to their booth, pushing between Oga and the disgruntled blond. "Ready to go?" Furuichi's voice was higher than normal because his closing throat caused him to force the words out. "Yeah, let me just get my wallet..."

"Oh," Nanami popped over back into Oga's sight on the other side of the table, "you don't have to pay only," she leaned over the table to reach for Oga's hand, "if you promise to come back."

Oga pulled out two ¥1000 banknotes from his wallet, avoiding Nanami's greedy hand. "We don't need the change."

Furuichi blocked Nanami from touching Oga when he exited the booth, but Furuichi felt Nanami's elbow shove itself sharply into his side. Outside of the restaurant, Oga stretched with a yawn. "That was some restaurant, eh, Annoyichi?" Oga laughed with a shake of his head. "What is that supposed to mean?" Furuichi's cool, clipped tone caught Oga off guard. "Hah? What do you mean 'what's that supposed to mean?'"

"Nothing, nevermind."

The frown burrowed deeply between Oga's eyebrows, "Now, wait a minute-"

"Don't touch me!" Furuichi yanked his arm from Oga's grasp in favor of folding his arms to his chest. "Aw c'mon you can't be mad 'cause she was flirting with me!"

"I'm not at her. I'm mad because you," Furuichi jabbed a finger into Oga's sternum, "were flirting back!"

"I was not- Oi! Where are you going?"


Oga knew it was a lost cause to call Furuichi back. He watched the silvernette walk toward the subway station, and kicked the rock into the tree hard enough to cause a dent big enough to see from his distance. Oga blew up the pieces of hair hanging over his face. Well, that went well. 

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