Change in the Weather

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While the half- breed omega couldn't stand the cold while working at the Frious Hotel, Furuichi couldn't say he liked the heat while working for SolMan Enterprises either. "Ogaaaaaa... It's so hot!"

"I'm not turning the thermostat lower."

"Argh," Furuichi growled despite himself, "Since you're so controlling why don't you control the weather?"

"...Excuse me?"

Furuichi's tail curled into his stomach when Oga finally raised his head from his work laptop. "Erm...nothing. Sorry."

Oga did not move, did not break eye contact for several seconds, until he slowly shut his laptop. "Follow me."

Furuichi knew he was acting like a brat, but the heat made him sweaty and sticky and plenty irritable. Still, Oga was unpredictable and Furuichi didn't know what to expect when the alpha led him to the bedroom. They'd only been dating for a few months after all. "Sit."

The silvernette perched on the edge of the bed. He may not be very fast, but Furuichi reasoned that in the seven seconds it took to reach the bathroom, it would be all the time he needed to get there. While Furuichi thought this, he couldn't help the bubbling curiosity welling within him when hearing Oga rummage in the expansive walk-in closet.

"Remember this?"

Furuichi stared hard at the brown box, but nothing really came to mind. "It's a box." Furuichi's voice came out like a question rather than a statement.

Setting the barely open box on the bed, Oga began to unbutton his dress shirt, Furuichi torn between running to the bathroom or spreading his legs. "We'd better get to jogging your memory," Oga unceremoniously dumped the contents of the box onto the bed, much to Furuichi's embarrassment. Several bottles of lube, toys and intro to bondage paraphernalia sprawled into the bed beside Furuichi. If Furuichi ever really wanted to hightail it out of there, it would've been then. "Every round you make it through, I'll lower the temperature by one degree."

Furuichi's wolf mother also taught the silvernette to never back down from a fight.

"You're on."

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