Dead Wrong

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Furuichi didn't mind that Oga had a big appetite or the fact that he had the stomach of a dump truck. What bothered Furuichi was that Oga tried to get the picky eater to try new foods with him. "You gotta try this."

"No. The smell already puts me off."

"Aw c'mon, Annoyichi. Just a bite."

Furuichi sighed through his nose and took a bite of the deviled egg sandwich then spat it back on the floor.

"What the hell man! It's not that bad."

"That crap is disgusting. Don't ever make me eat that again."

Oga griped as he threw away the rest of his sandwich. The brunet couldn't eat seeing the partially masticated blob on the floor.


The boys wandered around the festival at school, Furuichi trying to figure out which girls might be easier to impress and Oga looking for food. Furuichi was made more annoyed when Oga kept dragging him from booth to booth, but at least the brunet didn't force him to try anything. Oga sniffed the air and walked toward a particular spicy sweet scent he usually wouldn't find on the streets walking home. There the two teens found themselves in front of a booth dedicated to yatsuhasi. Furuichi couldn't deny that the scents coming from the booth made him want to try the triangular sweets. Not that he'd tell Oga that of course.

Oga ordered, and out of habit, ordered two just on the off chance Furuichi would actually try something new. The brute wasn't being considerate, he just liked to torment the silvernette whenever he could. "Order for Oga!"

"Here we go!" Oga shoved the light brown sweet into his wide mouth and moaned so loud Furuichi blushed, embarrassed by the way it made his cock twitch involuntarily. "Must you be so loud? It's probably not even that good." Furuichi grumbled the last part as he crossed his arms to use the bag he carried to cover his wakening member. "You just gotta try it, don't ya?" Furuichi knew he was being baited, but he'd be damned to be made a fool in public. "Fine. Give me the other one."

Oga watched in anticipation. The cinnamon yatsuhasi really wasn't all that great like the brunet expected, but tricking Furuichi meant more than the weird aftertaste in his mouth. Furuichi glanced at Oga's ominous smirk only to glare right back. The silvernette's hand moved slowly to his lips. He was probably going to hate this too. Good thing there was a trash can nearby. He'd just have to be careful not to spit it out on the ground like last time because a group of cute girls started passing by. Taking a small bite, an explosion of flavor hit him right between the eyes. He'd never tasted anything like this before! He was so excited it was getting harder to breath. "Wow! I was dead wrong! This is the best thing I've ever tasted!"

Oga's triumphant smile dissolved as quickly as it shot up. "Furuichi? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Furuichi kept gasping for air, "Why? I think something fell into my shirt. I'm getting kind"


A crowd gathered around the boys calling desperately for the school nurse. It only took one look at the silvernette's red rash around his neck and lips for the nurse to command Oga to carry Furuichi up to her office. Her office was the only place she kept emergency epi-pens. As Oga raced to the nurse's office with Furuichi trying to breathe around a swelling tongue, the brunet vowed to never make the silvernette try any of his food ever again.

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