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After Dr. Oga had begun to visit Subject 66 regularly, he was healthy as can be. Oga couldn't explain what had changed, but allowed Dr. Lamia to use her "stress" theory to Subject 66's improving condition. A few weeks had passed and suddenly Subject 66 was acting strange again. The silver headed alien pace the little padded room he'd been assigned and had even begun to snap at Oga. Though when Subject 66 had been particularly punchy with the brunet doctor, he purred in the back of his throat. Oga could only guess that it meant the silvernette was sorry.

Dr. Oga and Dr. Lamia had been sitting back in the holding room just before Subject 66's. They watched the alien's behavior and bounced theories at each other, never quite believing in even their own outlandish suggestions.

"What should we name him, anyway?" Lamia stretched big with a nearly full coffee cup in her right hand.

"Subject 66. He's been named already."

"Tch. You're no fun. Fine then," Lamia took a pensive sip of the warm liquid in her hand. "He looks like he'd blend in with the snow pretty well."

Although it annoyed Oga to be a part of Lamia's hair brained idea of naming Subject 66, the scientist inside himself couldn't deny facts. He simply grunted in agreement.

"Hmm. Maybe Yuki then?"

"'Yuki'? That thing nearly crushed a woman's throat and withstood bullets and grenades without so much as a scratch. He's a warrior, not a bunny rabbit!"

"I don't hear any suggestions coming from you! And don't call him a thing."

Oga couldn't see why Lamia was so sweet on Subject 66. Of course, the alien was rather cute when he purred. And kind of hot when he masturbated. Subject 66 masturbated at least once a day since recovering from duress. The silvernette hadn't cared for an audience and usually did his shenanigans under the covers, but the alien always seemed to know when the brunet was watching. On the days, the Oga came to monitor Subject 66 through the holding room's live video feed, Subject 66 always gave him a great show.

"Ah," the good doctor cleared his throat and his thoughts with a sip of now cold coffee, "...Takayuki."

"Eh? That's the same thing I said!"

"No, it's a variation and it suits him better."

"What's he doing?"

Subject 66 had begun to knock on various spots of his room, rumbling and pressing his ears to the walls and the floors.

"Wish we could just ask him," Oga wasn't too thrilled to find out that Subject 66 and he couldn't communicate beyond pointing and speaking slowly. It was like speaking to a three year old.

"He has the capacity to learn Oga. Takayuki's not an idiot."

"Yeah. Maybe."

Dr. Oga crossed his arms and quickly cursed the veteran researchers that pulled rank when they dissented to teaching Subject 66 anything, especially Japanese. They were probably butthurt Takayuki wouldn't respond well to any of them. Oga blinked when he felt the satisfied smirk across his lips. Not only had he used the name Takayuki so casually in his thoughts, he found that he was very possessive over the alien.

"I'm going to head back. Hilda gets nervous when I spend too much time down here."

Hilda had transferred from Oga's research department to Lamia's after the incident. Out of everyone in the facility, Hilda was the one who hoped Subject 66 had died under duress.

"You should test out his name. See if he likes it."

Oga tried to bark at Lamia that he wasn't a dog, but the infuriating bright pink head of hair had already skipped out the door. Oga continued to watch Takayuki muddle around his room a while longer until the silvernette suddenly stopped in the middle of the room and stared at the ceiling.

Following his instinct, Oga fumbled with his card key, trying to get into Takayuki's room. Oga entered Takayuki's room cautiously while the alien continued to stare at the ceiling unblinkingly. Reaching out to the silvernette, Oga was shocked when the alien suddenly pulled the doctor into a snug embrace without breaking eye contact with the florescent lights.

Moments later Oga felt like he was being sucked through a straw. His lungs squished together when he was trying to get them to expand for air. And then it was over. Oga sank to his knees gasping for air and Takayuki purred, rubbing the brunet's back. Through bleary, watery eyes Oga felt his stomach drip to his toes.

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.

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