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Media outlets were quick to pick up on Never Again's fall from the top. News reports came in on the drummer's suddenly spiraling behavior, the romantic separation of the lead vocalist and bassist, their new manager and not so stellar performances where even loyal fans demanded refunds. Hilda didn't know how to fix this. Usually she was brimming full of ideas, but to fall apart over a bet and a break-up, how ridiculous is that! Break-ups happen all the time! Yes, but this could've all been avoided had you listened to Aoi. The twist of the knife that still lived in Hilda's heart after Aoi walked out of their love story throbbed in her chest, but the blonde couldn't bring herself to say those two little words that meant genuine defeat.

I'm sorry.

Gritting her teeth, Hilda called for a band meeting in the middle of the night. They were all a bunch of idiots fighting over nothing. She'd be damned if it ruined all of their careers. Aoi reluctantly agreed to leave her trailer. Oga hadn't made a sound. "Open up you, huge moron! We both know you're in there!"

Fed up by the drummer's drunken moping, Hilda used her spare key to open up his trailer. The ripe smell of vomit hit the girls hard. The sight of bottles on the floor didn't cause for immediate alarm, but the foreign orange pill bottle did. "Aoi, call the paramedics! He's not breathing!"


Oga found the bottle hidden in an old jean pocket. He remembered the American blonde saying that it would help him drink more. Shrugging, Oga tipped the bottle and slid all of its remaining contents into his mouth. Furuichi left his position as their manager because he refused to play the fool any longer. Furuichii flew off to sign with another potential music group because he felt that if they thought they could take advantage of his feelings they had another thing coming. At least, that's what Oga understood between each sob when Furuichi covered his ruined face with pale hands.

Everytime Oga saw that image in his mind's eyes, another bottle found his rough hands. He drank until the image itself began to blur with his vision. He'd kick Hilda's ass later. This was her fault too. Right now a nap sounded good, his stomach wasn't feeling so hot. Maybe he'd feel better in the morning.


Why were the lights so bright in his trailer? And what was that god awful smell? It smelled like a hospital. Oga tried to reach for the annoying alarm clock he'd been using since Furuichi left that kept beeping beside the sink, but his arms were heavy. And tangled. Oga blinked his eyes until they adjusted to the white walls came into focus. His eyes trailed around the room and his hospital gown. When his tired eyes fell on the glass of water beside him, he felt the fire in his throat. "Thirsty? I'll get it for you."

Oga regretted snapping his head in the direction of the familiarly soothing voice. The black spots that formed in his eyes were enough to make him pass out for a few minutes. When the drummer came too, he panicked at how long he'd been out. Oga was more concerned that if he had been out for too long, Furuichi wouldn't still be there. "Easy, easy. I'm still here."

Oga greedily drank the water offered to him and finally saw Furuichi with clear eyes. Oga knew he didn't look good in his hospital gown, but Furuichi looked like he hadn't slept, eaten, or changed in a few days. To be honest, Furuichi looked like hell. "What the hell were you thinking, idiot?" Furuichi chastened in a soft voice with a soft hand pulling at Oga's shaggy bangs.

"Furuichi..." Oga could only rasp the ex-manager's name before dissolving into a coughing fit. Oga's eyes watered and his tongue tasted blood, but having Furuichi there to rub his back was well worth whatever he did to himself. "I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too, moron. Don't do this again. You hear me?"

Furuichi pressed a kiss on Oga's damp forehead. Getting angry over a silly bet wasn't worth all of this.

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