The Future

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There's nothing quite like sleeping in on that first day of summer vacation.

Dove rolled out of bed and slipped on one of her massive tees she always wore as a dress, then wrapped her mane of hair into a huge bun. When she finally made it out of her room, the house was silent. Her parents had gone off to work for the day and she figured Steve was over at the car shop, all of them planning to be off early enough for her graduation ceremony in the afternoon.

After she had a couple strawberry Pop-Tarts and her first cup of coffee for the day, Dove tucked a pen behind her ear, found the novel she was currently reading, and moved out to the backyard. To the spot she spent most of her days in the summer— her spot.

Nestled under a giant oak tree that shot up from a sea of flowers. The one that was covered in moss and lichen, and had been there long before there was even a town surrounding it. Dove lied flat onto the lush grass, rolling over onto her belly as she flicked through the note covered pages of her book, to the part she left off at the day before. Her head was propped up by her hand as her legs were in the air, oscillating. She would lazily turn a page and her eyes would continue their race across the text.

The sounds of those chubby, spotted birds that she loved rang around her, but she tuned them out. Attention caught up in the literature, marking notes with her pen. Underlining passages that she found particularly moving. Drawing out ideas for her own works.

Chewing on the end of her pen, Dove felt the intense heat of the sun starting to seep through the fabric of her t-shirt, making her sweat. After almost an hour of lounging, it seemed that despite the soft breeze's efforts, the scorching midday warmth was pricking her skin.

When she went to shift her spot further into the shade of the tree, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.

Bucky was sitting at the outdoor table on the opposite edge of the yard. Crossing one leg over the other, staring at a newspaper through his sunglasses. His hair was resting just so at the top of his head in a perfect swoop. Wearing a thin shirt that was buttoned so low, the neckline rested at the center of his chest. His golden chain glinted under the harsh sunlight, resting over his tanned skin.

How long had he been sitting there?

Realizing much too late that she was caught staring, Dove met his gaze. His expression was hard for her to decipher as it was, but with his nearly black sunglasses on, she was left in the dark. From what she could tell, the look was resting somewhere between arrogant and calculating, apparent from the small quirk in his lips and the tilt of his head.

What she didn't realize was that Bucky had been watching her since he first stepped outside, roughly twenty minutes before she even noticed him. Pretending to look at the newspaper while he simply gazed over the top of the page, through his sunglasses. He sat transfixed by how her shirt barely covered her. The stretched neckline was draped over one of her shoulders and the hem was resting just under the curve of her ass.

He was entranced by the way she chewed on the tip of her pen and swung her legs in the air as she read. The way the bright sun was shining onto her blonde hair, like a golden gossamer under the light. She looked almost angelic, surrounded by so much overgrown greenery, not glaring at or berating him for once.

Dove's mouth felt more and more parched the longer the stared. Convincing herself it was just the heat getting to her, she clapped her book shut and hopped to her feet. Figuring she might as well start getting ready for her graduation.

She strode barefoot across the heated grass. Toes scrunching into nature's shag carpet, towards the back door. Bucky cleared his throat as she passed by, lowering his glasses down the bridge of his nose to get a better look at her. "What are you reading?" He nodded to the book in her hand.

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