Like Heaven

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A/N: I swear these chapters keep getting longer and longer. Settle in and grab a snack or a coffee! There's some major shit going on in this one. Sound the alarm.


Dove was standing in Wanda's closet, ripping through her rack of clothing. Lifting up the occasional item and being met with either a 'yes' or a 'no' from her friend, who was sitting on her bed, folding her pile of approved clothing into her suitcase.

They had been at it since nine in the morning and it was getting well close to ten, since they continued to take breaks to refill their mugs of coffee or talk about nonsense. Both of them were utterly terrible at staying focused on things that weren't particularly thrilling. Also, both of them were wishing they could be out having fun instead of doing the mundane, repetitive activity, but Wanda only had another hour before she had to leave, so they couldn't exactly quit.

Why did Wanda leave packing for last minute? Neither of them knew, but it was too late to worry about it.

Dove moved to the dresser, digging through the wadded up pieces of fabric and trying to pick out things she thought could be useful. "Oh, open the top drawer on the left," Wanda said, pointing a finger to the one she was referencing. "I need a shit ton of bathing suits for this trip."

"Doesn't Europe have like tons of nude beaches?" Dove laughed, opening the drawer and picking through her bathing suits.

"Did you forget I'll be with my family?" Wanda cringed at the thought.

"I was kidding," Dove clarified from over her shoulder, then tossed Wanda a few different options from her drawer. She walked over and sat down beside her, letting out a deep breath as she hit the mattress. "I don't know what I'll do without you here," she admitted sadly.

Wanda smirked, tucking the swimsuits into her bag. "I know you hate being a third wheel with Mj and Peter, so why don't you hang out with Bucky some more?"

Dove groaned. "I never should've told you about that. I knew you'd hold it against me."

"Well how was I supposed to react? You basically went on a date with him."

Dove was initially unsure if she wanted to bring up their visit to the diner, knowing that Wanda would surely give her shit about it, but she wasn't exactly great at hiding things from her best friend. She spilled the beans the second she got to the Maximoff's house, needing to talk it out with someone, instead of her constant inner monologues that played in her mind. "For the last time, it wasn't a fucking date. We were just hungry so we went to get food," Dove argued against her inference.

Wanda arched a brow as she readjusted a few items in the bottom of her suitcase to make more room. "The night after you tried to kiss him? And he admitted he wanted to kiss you too?" She gave Dove a knowing look as if to say, 'I see right through you, so stop trying to lie'.

Dove winced, knowing she had no argument left to give. "Well either way, he made the point that nothing can happen between us and he's right. Steve would bug out and I don't even know how my parents would react... I just feel like it wouldn't end well. It'd be best if I just avoided the guy."

"I don't think you should let other people's opinions hold you back, but do what you want." Wanda shrugged. "And it's not like I'll be gone all summer," she said, referencing the start of their conversation, "it's just one month and I'll be back in time for your birthday. In the meantime, just chill with Mj and Peter."

"Yeah, yeah, I know all of this."

Wanda gave her a sad smile, then sighing and wearing a determined look. "We gotta finish this up cause I gotta skitty soon." She gestured to the piles of clothing and bags sitting on the bed in front of her. "My mom will kill me if I'm not ready to go."

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