No Rules Pt. 2

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A/N: Hey ya'll! Left work early today because I was extra productive and got right on this. Thanks for letting me take a few days for myself. Ya girl really needed it.

To those of you that bugged me for an update every day, please remember that I have a real life too! I feel like a lot of you forget that there's an actual person behind these stories that you're reading. I work a 9-5 and often times I'm working on weekends or answering a hundred emails even when I'm off for the day. So I'm a busy-ass, grown-ass 26 y/o woman. I write for my own enjoyment and when I'm being pressured, it makes it feel like a chore.

Sorry about the mom rant, but please be mindful before blowing up my inboxes with whatever it is you want from me. If you want to know the new posting date, check my conversations board. I pin posts there as soon as I figure it out. If you don't see it at the top, just scroll down! Pls I'm so tired.

OKAY enough of that... PART TWO BBS!!! And final bets on who will win?

WARNINGS: Innocence kink (again), praise kink (again), sort of rough sex? (not P*ssessed rough, but for Ducky, it's kinda rough)


~Day Three~

"So your parents are cool with having that shipped to the house?" Dove asked, straining her neck from her where she was cradled in her hammock to peek at Wanda lying in her own just a couple of feet away.

She shrugged in response. "Ms. is just a magazine, Dove. And it's only a monthly print."

"No, I know, but it's so..."

"Radical?" Wanda guessed.

"Well, no shit," Dove laughed. "When my dad caught me reading The Feminine Mystique, he nearly had a heart attack. Called me a 'beatnik'. Who the fuck even says that anymore?"

"What? You're telling me Joseph Rogers isn't into women's lib or the sexual revolution?" Wanda asked sarcastically. "Big shock there."

Dove snorted, rolling over on her side to look at her friend. "I know right? He seems like such a feminist," she joked right back.

"But seriously, I think I'd follow Gloria Steinem to the ends of the Earth."

"Don't forget about Dorothy Pitman Hughes."

Wanda nodded silently, loving that she had someone that genuinely understood her passions and values like Dove did. "Let's start our own magazine, Dovey."

"Fuck off. That's such a dream," she breezed. "Ya know, I read that Jann Wenner had to borrow over seven thousand dollars from his family to get Rolling Stone off the ground. Could you imagine good ol' Joe fishing out that much money for us?"

"My parents would probably help a bit if we had something really good to publish."

"Your parents are the best though," Dove pointed out. "I mean they actually helped you find an apartment in New York and aren't they paying some of your rent?"

Wanda bobbed her head back and forth. "It's more of a small allowance if anything. And only while I'm in school, since I'm not living on campus, but I'll definitely have to get a job once I'm there. Did I tell you that we stopped to see it on our way back from Europe?"

Dove's eyes widened. "Oh my god, no."

"Yeah, we had this crazy long layover between our flights so we sorta made a day of it."

"How was it? Do you love the new crib?"

"It's pretty small," she explained. "But that's just how it goes there. I mean, I don't even know if I'll be able to bring more than two suitcases of clothing for the closet."

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