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A/N: Okay so bad news is, I'm so deathly ill that I've taken off work the last couple of days (no, it's not covid, don't worry) BUT while I was supposed to be resting, I got this chapter done! So never say I don't overwork myself for ya'll.

WARNINGS: Praise kink, food... sex? (Kinda? Idk what to call it), some dom!Bucky, some dom!Dove. Switch vibes as always.


"I can't believe you talked Bucky into that."

"What?" Dove asked, between sips of her cherry cola, irked that she was being questioned. "It's a great idea."

"Is it though?" Mj asked from her seat on the other side of the small table that had been covered with junk food.

"Yes. It's actually pretty genius if you ask me," Wanda argued from where she stood on the wooden lane, having just thrown her bowling ball towards the pins.

Dove hummed in the affirmative, chewing on her straw as she tucked her knees to her chest in the creaky plastic chair. "I mean, what's the point of dating someone with a rich family if you aren't using it to your advantage?" she joked.

"I don't know, because you're supposed to actually care about him?" Mj suggested.

"Kidding, kidding," Dove reassured her, raising her hands in defense.

"But he's not happy you asked, is he?" Peter questioned between bites of his pizza.

"Apparently he's not thrilled," Wanda chimed in, walking over and sitting back in her seat. "But considering Bucky loves Dove so much, I'm sure he'll get with it and quit being such a square."

"Love? Bucky told you he loves you, Dove?" Peter pried through a mouthful of pizza, dropping his half-eaten slice back into the box to bring the entirety of his focus to her.

Dove's cheeks flushed and her eyes pulled wide in embarrassment, flicking from Peter to Mj, over to Wanda who was smiling mischievously at her.

It seemed like the entire bowling alley went quiet with the accusation. 'The entire bowling alley' being the other small group of their former classmates a few lanes over and the two employees at the concessions counter. A fairly busy day for Roseworth standards...

There was a delay in Dove's response as she considered lying just to save face with all of the listening ears around her. But honestly, the lying had gotten rather old. Especially after the whole Steve-finding-out debacle. And since her family already knew, she figured there was no use.

"He did, I'm not denying it," she said quietly, despite her brief consideration to lie. "Just don't be so loud about it." She stared directly at Peter for the latter portion of her response and he smiled guiltily.

"They said it to each other the other day when we got back from the trip," Wanda explained casually, considering she already knew every little detail of the exchange. The second Dove got the chance after the intimate moment, she had sprinted to the phone downstairs and called Wanda, having to try to not scream into the receiver about how they had confessed their love to each other.

Dove sighed in absolute exhaustion from her friend's gossip, before looking back at Mj. "Back to my original point, I do care about him—"

"You just want to use his rad house to throw a rager for your birthday," Mj surmised.

Wanda hummed in approval on Dove's behalf. "He has the house to himself and who better to throw Dovey a birthday party than her boyfriend? Works out great for everyone. And I can make a ton of cash selling pot throughout the night, which will easily cover the cost of the keg."

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