Us and Them

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A/N: Am I currently sitting at my desk? Yes, yes I am. But I wanted to get this up as soon as possible because you were all so sweet leaving excited messages on my board today♥️

This chapter will be picking up from Steve's POV when he finds Dove and Bucky in the truck, so you can get some insight into his state of mind! Buckle up babes, there's a lot of ups and downs in this one. Some angst, some humor, some fluff. Also, there's some very different formatting in the middle portion that I personally was very excited to share.

I'll see you at the end xoxo


Steve dipped his hand into the semi-cold water that filled the cooler, then swiped it through his hair in an effort to make the unbearable heat a bit more bearable. He had been bending down and lifting things all morning to get everything packed up and the sun was leaving him to feel rather spent. He was exhausted from the long weekend as it was and wanted nothing more than to get onto the road and back home as soon as possible.

He wiped a few stray droplets from his forehead as he stood back up from dumping the last of the melted ice onto the grass below his feet. He scanned the area once more, making a mental note of the last few things of his own that he had to grab and take to the truck.

Scooping up his backpack on the way, he carried the cooler with him over to Sam. "Can I get your keys? I'm gonna put my bag in the truck."

"It should be unlocked," Sam said, staring down at his sleeping bag as he rolled it. "Bucky is over there loading up his bags and most of the fishing gear."

Steve's eyes widened, realizing that Bucky would probably lay claim on the passenger seat, leaving him to ride in the uncomfortable middle spot of the truck. "Goddamnit," he griped. "I'm not sitting in the middle again." He pointed a finger at Sam as he spoke, then turned and started to jog through the campsite. Sam chuckled as he watched him run off to beat Bucky to the heavily sought-after passenger seat.

Steve slowed his pace when he got out to the dirt road where the cars had been parked. His eyes scanned the area in search of Bucky. He glanced back to the path that led into the campsite, but still, he was nowhere to be found. Weird.

When he peered through the windshield as he approached the vehicle, he didn't see any bags on any of the seats, so he sighed in relief. Glad that he wouldn't be sitting uncomfortably for another three hours as he had on the way there.

As he rounded the truck, he could make out what sounded like heavy breathing and the shuffling of fabric. He frowned to himself in confusion. Who would've been making out in the—?

As he looked down into the bed of the truck, he felt his stomach drop. All he could see at first was Bucky, lying on top of someone. But the messy blonde hair that was was splayed out, the bruised legs wrapped around his waist, and the perpetually chipped nail polish made it clear who the individual below his best friend was.

In a millisecond of that assessment, he felt his temper flare to its absolute maximum level. Steve had never been an angry man, nor was he brutish when he came time to express that rarely triggered rage. But that was his sister. Dove. The girl he was determined to protect since the day she was born.

So, he snapped. "What the fuck?!"

The couple parted from each other and whipped their heads around to look up at him, going from shock to absolutely terrified in an instant. Their lips were kiss-stained, their hair mussed, their bodies tangled together.

There was a moment suspended in time when they all remained where they were, waiting for someone else to break that silence. Just as Steve was about to spew out more of his anger, Dove's eyes flicked from Bucky back to him.

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