No Rules Pt. 1

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A/N: BESTIE GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED. (I got a coffee after work today and finished this up. THAT'S what just happened.)

Camping trip time! I was considering making a chapter for each part, but it felt way too drawn out so I smushed two days into this one chapter and cut out some details. So this bad boy is a long one. (I feel like I say that every chapter)

Also, before anyone says anything about hygiene in either of these chapters, just don't. I always saw that in my Possessed comments and it annoyed me. It's fiction, so who cares? I don't include every last detail of everything they do because who wants to read about that when you can read about how hot Bucky is?  Ya'll sound like children worrying about that stuff.

WARNINGS: Underage drinking and drug use (seriously lots of beer and weed), innocence kink, praise kink, a smidge of jealousy. The antics in these chapters are a little bit toxic, so keep in mind that this is all for fun and ~not real~!


~ Day One ~

Dove was rudely pulled from her nap by the loud cranking sound of the parking brake, followed by the sound of a car door squeaking open, then being kicked shut. Her eyes finally shot open in annoyance, seeing that her dad was standing on the other side of her window staring back at her where she was curled up in the backseat.

"Up and at 'em," he said with a jerk of his head, his gruff voice muffled by the glass.

She cringed, rubbing her eyes. The sore tendon in her neck ached as she turned her head to see that Wanda was sitting up and yawning. A mountain of blankets and their backpacks were nestled between them. Discarded wrappers of candy and chips were littered around the floor. "Fucking hell, sleeping in a car sucks," Dove griped.

"No kidding," Wanda agreed.

Sarah looked over her shoulder from the front seat, taking in the girls' appearances and their mess. "It was only a few hours. How did you two manage to ruin the backseat so quickly?" They both shrugged, laughing to themselves and in turn triggering Sarah's own laugh. "Well just make sure you grab your garbage on your way out," she reminded them as she opened her own door and stepped out.

Dove looked back out the window, squinting at the bright sunlight. Through a small winding path just off the dirt road held the campsite she had visited every summer since she was little.

The spot was hidden in the mountains, right on the edge of a massive river. Wide enough that throwing a rock across the water would be tough work. The towering evergreens native to the northwest towered over everything around them, including the dense forestry that was sitting overgrown as ever. It wasn't a commercial camping site. It was 'real' camping as Joseph liked to say.

Dove tilted her head back and forth, hearing a loud crack coming from her neck followed by a blissful feeling of relief. Overwhelmed with the need to crack every last joint in her body, she got out of the car and stood beside the open door while she proceeded to twist and stretch every last extremity she had.

Wanda pretended to gag from over the top of the car, absolutely hating the sound of someone cracking their knuckles— or neck, or back, or anything else Dove was in that moment. "Shut the hell up. I'm hurting," Dove groaned before bending down to touch her toes.

Once she felt like the aches in her body were mostly gone, she and Wanda gathered all of their trash and shoved it into their backpacks. Then strapped them on their backs and turned to walk through the bushes to where they'd set up their tent.

Right as they started their trek, a red truck that they knew to be Sam's came whipping down the dirt road. Music blaring from inside. Three massive men squished shoulder to shoulder in the cabin.

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