The Bubble

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A/N: Morning after fluffiness here. Seriously this shit is so sticky sweet, but it ends smutty. Don't you worry you lil smut-thirsty bbs. Also, WANDA IS BACK! And oh fuck, does she have a lot to catch up on.

**Very slight innocence kink/roleplaying kink at the end**

Check out the Little Wing playlist on Spotify by scarletaves that @LightsupAves created and @ eu8ly on TikTok for some great LW content as well! Give them both some love and a follow!

Okay I'm done rambling, enjoy!


So, the alarm didn't wake them up.

But only because they were already awake. Finishing yet another round together. It all seemed to meld into one lengthy session of damn near tantric sex. Their pace shifted throughout the night, falling asleep intermittently, then being woken up again by the other touching them, and picking up where they left off. Only ever leaving the bed for trips to the bathroom or for glasses of water.

Their skin was sticky with dried sweat as they were cuddled up together in Bucky's bed. Sheets were messily wrapped around them. Their muscles thoroughly spent. Their hair mussed. Their limbs were so tangled together, neither of them were even sure where one of them started and the other ended.

They hadn't slept more than a couple of hours and yet, they felt nothing but pure bliss. It was a sleepy sort of happiness that one could only achieve after spending an entire night having passionate sex with someone they were infatuated with.

The window beside the bed was open, leaving the early morning breeze to roll in crisp over their skin. Sending goosebumps up their arms, which the other would quickly kiss away with their warm lips. They could hear the birds chirping softly, waking up with the sky.

Dove had her head flat to Bucky's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat while she mindlessly played with his chain. He leaned forward, kissing the top of her head, inhaling her scent in the process. She smelt like that same intoxicating mix of grapefruit and honey that he loved. But what he loved even more, was that she also smelt like him. It was just a hint. Like the underlying base note of a cologne undeniably clinging to her, mixed with her own.

He twirled a lock of her tangled hair around his finger before tucking it under her chin and lifting her head off of him to meet his gaze. "Let's go swim," he said in that groggy morning voice that made her go weak in the knees.

"What?" she laughed sleepily.

"You heard me. Come on." He carefully slid out from under her, standing in all his naked glory. Dove watched as he walked out to the main area of his room without another word. Following his lead, she stood to her wobbly legs. Almost falling over before catching herself with her palm hitting the bed. God she was sore.

Her movements were sluggish as she slipped her clothes from the day before back on and let out a yawn, stretching her arms over her head. When she spun around, she was surprised to see Bucky standing in the archway of the nook in a t-shirt and a pair of swimming trunks. His hair was messy around his head and his cheeks were a bit scruffier from not having shaved yet. He was wearing some kind of indiscernible expression as he stared her down.


He shrugged. "I'm happy."

Dove skipped over to him, standing on her toes and throwing her arms over his shoulders. "Me too," she sighed, kissing his stubbled cheek. "Let's go."

They walked down through the house and out to the backyard. The air was heavy with an almost anticipatory feeling that was only possible on a day that was sure to be scorching. Like the Earth was readying itself for the heat it was about to endure.

Little Wing - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now