Nineteen Candles

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A/N: ...Hello? Is this thing on?

Ya girl is back!!! I seriously can't thank you sweet angels enough for your patience. Just over two months of a break and oh man have I been going through it... There was a pretty tragic situation involving a family member, so I took some time for myself. Mental health can be a bitch, but I'm so happy to be writing again. Love you all!

This chapter is mostly in Bucky's POV because I don't write a lot of his perspective and I really wanted to approach her birthday from his view. Letting ya'll into that complicated, intelligent mind of his.

Yes, this is the long-awaited birthday chapter so get ready for the warnings...

WARNINGS: Underage drinking/drug use, inebriated sex, *slight breeding kink, praise kink, dom!Bucky, dom!Dove.

*There is unprotected sex in this chapter. I promise there will be no babies, there isn't really any specific plot point for that choice besides the fact that I thought it was hot. This is just fiction, so don't be mad. Always use condoms in real life.

If any of this makes you uncomfortable, don't read it!


"Can you lift that a little higher Sam?"

Sam rolled his head to the side, looking exasperated as he could, to express his irritation with Bucky. He raised his brows, silently asking 'Really?' with a single look.

Bucky's expression hardened, silently retorting in his own way. With his own single look, his response read as 'Yes, really.'

Sighing, Sam moved his hold on the string lights a few inches higher and was met with an approving nod. He proceeded to hammer a nail into place and hooked the wires onto it. "Since when did you become an event planner, Barnes?" he muttered under his breath. Steve snorted from where he stood, sipping on a beer in lieu of helping set up for the night.

"I want it to look nice for the party. Is that such a crime?"

"When you're being a jerk about twinkle lights, you know you got it bad for a chick," Sam chuckled as he descended the ladder and stood back, putting his hands on his hips to look over the placement himself.

Bucky peeked down at his watch, realizing they only had about an hour left to set up... and there was a lot more he had planned to ensure everything was perfect. The night was growing near and the color of the sky was fading to a soft lavender from the initial bright orange of the evening.

The day had been abundant in every way. Abundant in activities and happiness. Every second was spent by Dove's side. The morning was spent at their table, then swimming at the river with all of her friends, dinner and cake with her family, and finally, rushing off to prepare for the party. Honestly, Bucky wasn't sure how he still had energy.

He strode across the paved area of his backyard and picked up his own beer. His palm was covered in the condensation that had been dripping down the sides of the brown tinted glass. He chugged down the cold liquid while his eyes continued to scan over the area.

"Alright, now the lanterns," he announced, taking one more sip of his beer before setting it back down and pointing over to the cardboard box that was resting just beside the backdoor.

Steve rushed over to the box and pulled out one of the ornate, colorful objects. When he lifted it in front of his face, he twisted it around by the hook and his eyes widened. The dim glow coming from over the trees at the edge of the property shone through, defining every last detail in the handblown glass. "Where did you even get these?"

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