Chapter 19

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"Everybody takes a weapon" Rick said rolling out the arsenal that Carl had found yesterday.

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need, what about the guns?" Andrea asked annoyance written all over her tone.

"We've been over that, Daryl, Rick, Brinley and I are carrying. Can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane explained and Andrea glared at me.

"Why does she get one" she said nodding towards me and I rolled my eyes. "Because she's proven to be trustworthy with a weapon, you have not" Shane said shutting her down.

"It's not the trees I'm worried about." She snapped making me roll my eyes once again. She acts as if this is pre-school and she's mad because I got the markers and she didn't.

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a heard happens to be passing by. See, then it's game over for all of us. Do you need to get over it." Shane explained and it went silent for a second.

"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only land mark." Daryl explained and walked off towards the woods.

"Stay quite, stay sharp. Leave space vertebrae you but always stay within sight of each other."

I followed Daryl into the woods as we waited for everyone else.

I stayed in front with Daryl as we both kept our eyes adverted for the ground, only looking up every once in a while to make sure everyone was still following and there were no walkers around.

As we walked further into the woods i spotted a tent. I sent a little whistle to Daryl and nodded towards the tent. We quietly made out way towards it.

When we got close enough Daryl sent me a look and I followed him up the the tent. The door was already semi open. When he nodded at me I pulled the door back and he stuck his head inside.

My stomach flipped from the smell as I turned away from the tent. It smelled disgusting. Daryl came back out a second later with a gun in his hand.

"Ain't her, did what Jenner said. Opted out" he said shifting his crossbow.

Church bells caught all of our attentions. Rick pointed off in the direction and we all took off running.

A sharp shooting pain went up my foot and I looked down, a large piece of old barbed wire fence was sticking up from the ground. Only it was sticking completely out of my foot.

I limped a little further but had to stop. The part sticking through my foot had broken off when I walked forward. "You okay?" Glenn asked then looked down at my foot.

It was throbbing beyond belief. Glenn wrapped his arm around my torso and helped me catch up with the group. By the time we had gotten back to them they were looking at a church.

"Got no steeple, no bells" Shane said, Rick took off running towards the church. Glenn was neatly carrying me.

When we got up to the church got closer and they stepped inside. I took a seat on the stairs and looking down at my foot.

I started to unlace my boot but realized I wouldn't be able to pull my boot off with the large metal piece sticking out of my foot.

I wrapped my fingers around the rusted medal and started to slowly pull it out but stopped from the pain. After they had cleared the church they came back out and looked down at me.

"What happened?" Rick asked looking down at my foot. "When we were running she stepped on an old barbed wire fence, this part went right through her foot" Glenn explained looking down at my foot.

Glenn wrapped his fingers around the metal and looked up at me. When I nodded he instantly ripped it out of my foot.

I put my hand over my mouth so I didn't scream in pain. Lori crouched next to me and pulled out a little first aid kit.

She used a little alcohol pad to clean it up as best as possible. It burned so bad I was sweating and felt like I was about to throw up.

Bells started to go off again, Glenn and Daryl both took off running around the side of the building.

"How bad does it hurt?" Lori asked and I gave her a look which made her laugh. "That bad huh?" She continued to wrap up my foot.

"Be careful it's a nasty cut, I'll have to clean it up better when we get back to the RV" she said standing up and I nodded.

I slid my boot back on, groaning in pain. "Y'all gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl, you're in charge. Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough" Shane explained.

"You're splittin us up, you sure?" Daryl questioned. Daryl was right, it's kinda dumb to split us up considered we already had one missing.

"Yeah, we will catch up at you" he nodded.

I stared down at my throbbing foot, trying my best to put little pressure on it but I couldn't. I feel like if I take my boot off, I won't be able to get it back on.

"Hey girl, you comin?" Daryl asked pulling me out of my thoughts and I nodded limping off towards were the group was headed.

"How's it feel?" He asked and I shook my head, it hurt like a bitch.

Daryl and I finally caught up with the rest of the group and we all walked in silence. "So this is it? This is the whole plan?" Carol asked stopping and taking a seat on a downed tree.

I did the same, relived to get some of that pressure off my foot. "I guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups" Daryl shrugged.

I placed my head in my hands to relieve the dizzy feeling. I felt like I was about to throw up and my entire leg was going numb.

"Carrying knives and pointy sticks" Andrea sneered, she was clearly annoyed that lori now had a gun and she did not. "I see you have a gun." She commented.

"Why you want it?" Lori said sarcastically holding the gun out to her. "Here, take it." She smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sick of the looks you're giving me." Lori said sitting back down.

I screwed my eyes shut, trying my best not to throw up.

"You okay?" Daryl asked crouching down in front of me. When I looked up at him his eyebrows raised. "You're pale, really pale" he pointed out then looked back down at my foot.

He lightly placed his hand around my leg and slowly started to pull off my boot. I quickly placed my hand on his to make him stop. When he looked up at me I turned my head and allowed the contents of my stomach to spill out.

"The hell?" He questioned this time ignoring my hand and pulling my boot off completely. He lifted his hand near my face which made me flinch back. I kept his hand there then placed it to my forehead.

"She's burning up, we gotta get her back to the RV" Daryl said looking down at my foot. When I looked down the entire wrap was covered in blood.

Lori came to my side and started to unwrap the bandage. She gasped when she saw the wound. My foot was nearly turning purple, it was still bleeding and my foot was so swollen.

"She's got a really bad infection" Lori said eyeing Daryl and Daryl nodded.

"We gotta get moving" Glenn said and Daryl nodded. Glenn came to my side and wrapped an arm around my Torso and Lori did the same.

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