Chapter 21

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Glenn slowed to a stop as we got closer to the large white farm house. The house was beautiful.

Glenn came to my side and helped me out of the car. My head spun and my heart raced, I felt as tho I was goin got throw up yet again for the third time.

T came to my other side and helped me as well even tho he wasn't in the best shape. The only thing I could think about was Carl, despite being ill and barely able to keep my head up on my own. I hope he's okay, or at least will be okay.

As we got up to the stairs Glenn looked between us and the front door. "So do we ring the bell? I mean it looks like people live here" he said looking up at us again.

I rolled my head back and quickly swallowed the lump in my throat.

"We're past this kind of stuff, aren't we?" T-Dog said looking at Glenn like he was dumb. I snorted in response.

The two helped me up the steps, "did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?" Someone asked causing all three of us to jump. When I turned my head I made eye contact with the same lady who had rode the horse earlier.

"Yes, us we closed it. Did the latch and everything" Glenn said as if he was proud of himself making me chuckle a bit. He was damn near drooling over the girl. "Hello, nice to see you again" he said with a toothy smile making me roll my eyes.

"We uh, met before. Briefly" Glenn started to ramble making me elbow him in the side.

"Look, we can't to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog breathed, choking over his words. The girl had stood up and come closer to us, she took one look at the bandage on T's arm and hesitated.

"It's not a bite, I cut myself pretty bad though, and she's got an extremely infected foot" T pointed out noticing the woman's discomfort and I nodded as she glanced down at my foot.

"We'll have you both looked at, I'll tell them you're here" she said stepping forward.

"We have some painkillers and antibiotics. We already gave both of them done but just in case Carl needs some" Glenn explained nervously.

I rolled my eyes once again, "Come inside. I'll make you something to eat." The girl said leading us into the house. She led us into a room where I saw Carl laying on the bed.

Rick and Lori were sat at his side along with an older man who sat on the edge of the bed taking the boys blood pressure.

"Hey" Glenn spoke when we got close enough and I sent them both a soft, supportive smile. "Hey" Rick replied quickly.

"Um, we're here, okay?" Glenn stammered looking at the couple and the little boy. There wasn't much we could say to make it better.

"Whatever you need." T-dog added and I nodded. Rick and Lori just nodded and we made our way back out of the room. I looked around at the new faces awkwardly.

The girl led us out of the room. I started to become dizzy again but tried my best to steady myself. My entire body started to go numb and I looked up at Glenn in concern. I gripped Glenn's shoulder tightly.

"Brin?" He questioned and my body crumpled to the ground. My head pounded as my heart raced.

"Hershel!" I heard a woman yell and some footsteps. "What's going on?" He asked coming closer and I just stared at the ceiling, my vision was blurry and my head spun.

"What happened?" The man asked, his words echoed in my head. Black dots started to form in my vision and I looked over at Glenn once more before everything went black.


I opened my eyes as something tightened around my arm, a stethoscope pressed to the inside of my arm. When I looked up at the person on the other end of the stethoscope, he softly smiled at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and I shrugged looking down at my foot. "She doesn't talk" I looked up at the doorway to see Glenn leaning against the doorway.

"Well why is that?" He asked glancing from me to Glenn. "No sure, she's been apart of our group since the beginning and no one had heard her talk." He shrugged.

The man nodded and eyed me for a second. "Well, your foot was very infected. While you were passed out I was able to go in and really clean it out. I want to clean it out again in a couple hours. For now I have this that you can use. Do not put any pressure on your foot please" the man said and I nodded.

"I'm Hershel, I'm the owner of this farm" he said giving me a soft smile and I nodded looking over at Glenn. "Her names Brinley"

The man nodded and left the room. Glenn came to my side and took a seat next to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked and I shrugged and held up the 'ok' sign.

I pointed at the crutches and Glenn handed them over to me. I used the crutches to make my way through the house and stepping outside of Carl's room. I softly knocked and looked to Lori and Rick.

As I got closer I moved my crutch out of the way and motioned Lori to stand. As she did I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her as tight as I possibly could. Truth was, Lori has done so much to help keep me safe. Seeing her so broken over Carl broke me.

This wasn't fair, he's only a kid.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, pulling her into me even more as I felt Loris body become taken over with sobs.

I glanced up at Rick who was still staring down at his hands. I pulled back from Lori and looked up into her eyes. "He'll be okay" I said nodded and she softly smiled. She didn't seem fazed that I talked to her and thankfully she didn't bring it up either.

I made my way over to Rick and patted his shoulder.

Carl was pale, his chest barely rising and falling. He looked so scared, even while he was sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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