Chapter 8

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           I sighed a breath of relief as we all left in one piece. Daryl seemed a little annoyed that Rick had given them a good portion of our guns and ammo. We walked in silence out of the area.

Daryl and Rick were chatting until we came to the opening where the truck was. But it was gone, just great. "Oh my god" Glenn commented. "Where the hell is our van?" Daryl questioned stepping forward.

"We left it right there, who would take it?" Glenn asked. "Merle" we all sighed annoyingly before taking off on foot. We've done it before, it's not gonna kill us to walk.

Daryl fell in step next to me, pulling out a baggie from his pocket. He handed it over to me and I inspected it. He had handed me a little baggie of weed, a pack of rolling papers inside.

I small smile crept onto my lips as I looked over at Daryl who had his hands shoved in his pockets. I gave him a questioning look. "The kid dropped it in the alley, picked it up before he would realize" Daryl chuckled. I smiled over at him, sending him a thank you nod before shoving it into my backpack.

We continued in silence, only glancing at each other every once in a while. It was starting to get dark. Hopefully everyone would still be awake when we got there. I'm sure sneaking back into camp will go over greatly considering what's going on in the world.

My mind flicked to Merle, I wonder if he's alright. If he made it out of the city alive. I mean if he went back to camp did he kill anyone?

We all started jogging as we got closer to camp. Gun fire and screams pulled us out of our thoughts. "Oh my god" Rick said breathlessly. We took off running event faster.

I quickly pulled out my gun, flipping the safety. We ran, as fast as we possibly could. When we go to the opening my eyes filled with terror.

Walkers were everywhere, taking bites out of some of our group members. I started shooting, taking out some of the walkers that were getting closer.

I turned around to see Shane leading everyone my way towards the RV. When we got closer he shoved me out of the way. I scurried to get up but was pushed down by a walker falling on top of me.

It chomped its jaws in my face, growling loudly as it tried to take a bite out of my face. My relatively strong arms held nothing back, the walker feeling as tho it weighed a ton. I continued to grunt, trying to push the walker off of me. It's not as easy as you think.

The walker stopped growling as an arrow plunged through its head. I quickly shoved it off me, back peddling into a tree. I used the tree as leverage pulling myself up and used the hand gun to take out a couple more walkers.

After the last one was killed, silence filled he air. Daryl came up to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You alright?" He asked looking me up and down, looking for bites.

I nodded, straighten a little more before I looked over. Andrea was sitting over a bleeding Amy. Bite marks in her neck and arm, my heart clenched. I could hear Andrea talked to Amy, saying her name over and over again.

I turned to Lori, a shocked expression on her face. My heart twisted in my chest, feeling for the girl. I kept my eyes on Lori, Carl and Rick. Lori pulled my into a hug and Carl clung to my legs.

I knelt down to Carl's hight as he put his armed around my neck and hurried his head into myself neck. I help him tight, looking up at Rick who looked like he was fighting with himself in his brain.

I didn't let go of Carl for what seemed like hours. Just held him as he cried, not wanting to let go. I told myself at the beginning of all this that I wasn't going to get close to anyone. I definitely lied to myself, Carl and Lori became a huge part of my life. We looked out for each other, always protected each other as well. Carl was a smart kid, in a world like this I just hoped he didn't change. He deserved to be a kid and this is all making him grow up all too fast. Sophia in the same situation.

We didn't sleep at all, we sat around in silence as we watched Andrea cry over her sisters body. We didn't say so much as a word to each other, scared that at the slightest bit of noise we would upset one another.

I looked from Rick to Shane. Shane with a pissed look written over his face. I sighed, knowing that everyone was going to blame Rick for this. If it wasn't for the bag of guns, I'm afraid this would have been way worse.

I glanced over at Daryl who was leaning against a tree. His eyes were fixed on the ground, chewing on his bottom lip. It was becoming light again, all of us sat around watching as the sun arose.

Andrea never left Amy' side. Just held her hand and stared down at her sister for hours. I sucked in a breath as Lori crouched down beside Andrea, speaking to her softly.

Lori got up and walked away, Andrea hadn't moved a muscle. "Let's take care of this" Rick said pointing to the bodied scattered around the camp. We nodded, Daryls no I moved at the same time.

We cleared a couple of the un known heard that came through our camp. Daryl putting a pick axe through their head and dragging them away. We were burning the bodies of the dead, burying the members of our group that we had lost.

I walked over to Shane, Rick and Lori as they were watching Andrea. I eyes fixated on Shane as he looked up at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, mentally punching him in the face. Breaking his nose.

Before I could thing my fist was making contact with Shane cheek. "What the hell" he yelled pulling his hand up. I walked away, holding my fist with my other hand. Prick shoved me out of the way yesterday and nearly got me killed. He knew damn well too, judging by the look he could give me every once in a while.

"The hell was that for?" Daryl questioned coming to my side. I shrugged my shoulders, unzipping my tent and grabbed my water bottle. "You just going around punching people now?" He asked, a chuckle coming from him.

I nodded, holding my fist up to him and pointing to him. He chuckled lightly, "whatever princess, I ain't scared of ya" he said walking away. I rolled my eyes at the man, a small smile on my lips.

I turned around when I heard a gasp and I saw rick with a gun in his face. Andrea holding it up and looking at him. "I know how the safety works" she growled before turning back to Amy.

I smiled at the woman. She's one tough son of a bitch even if I didn't like her much. She always pulled her own weight around here.

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