Chapter 3

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"Glenn. This is Brinley, you're welcome" Glenn said shaking his hand. The man turned to me and stuck his hand out. I looked at it for a second before shaking it.

"Let's go" Glenn said before placing his hands on the second ladder. This time he looked back at us. "The bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us" I snorted at Glenn, causing him to smile before making his way up the ladder. Rick pushing me up in front of him.

We rushed across the top of one building coming to the hatch, Glenn and I throwing our bags down before climbing down it ourselves.

I gave the two men a look, they wouldn't shut the hell up. We hurried through the office building. The two had finally stopped painting each other's fingernails and could focus on not dying.

"I'm back, got a guest and four geeks in the alley" Glenn said to the other over the walkie. When we made it to the bottom of the stairs T-Dog and Morales came out of the door beating the geeks to death. Well death after death I guess.

"You son of a bitch, I ought to kill you" Andrea growled, pining Rick against a cabinet and her gun to his face. I snorted, the guns safety was on, what a dumb bitch.

"Just chill out Andrea. Back off." Morales said taking the helmet off and eyeing the girl. "Come on ease up" jaquie chimed in. "Ease up? Are you kidding me? We're dead because of this stupid asshole"

"Andrea, I said back the hell off" morales growled, now stepping forward and eyeing the girl.

She lowered her gun, tears in her eyes. "We're dead, all of us" she said stammering a bit. I rolled my eyes, scuffing at her words. What a sensitive bitch.

I walked away from them, making my way though the store as morales pushed Rick through the little hallways. Jabbing up his ear about something. Man this group talked to much. Speaking of talking to much, the worst offender is being surprisingly quite. I didn't even realize Merle wasn't with us. What the hell.

Gun shots pulled me out of my thoughts, everyone's chatter stopped. "Oh no, Is that dixon?" I huffed at Andreas words. Running to the stairs and taking them two at a time to get to the top. Damn it dixon

Coming out onto the roof my eyes landed on Merle. Shooting off the top of the roof with his rifle in hand. What an idiot. What I wouldn't give to just give him the boot to the ass and kick him off the top of this roof.

Merle hopped off the side turning to us and raising his gun. Blabbering words to morales which I didn't pay attention as I looked over the side.

It wasn't until Merle was on the ground, hand cuffed to a pipe that I turned away. I eyed Glenn from my spot as he eyed Rick.

Glenn came over to me stopping right next to me. "Merle was saying some racist shit about morales and T so they all started fighting and so Rick just knocked him to his ass. It was kinda funny"

I eyed Glenn with an amused look as we watched Rick stand over Merle. This is gonna be a long day. How the hell are we gonna get out of this mess. All thanks to officer friendly and Dixon's dumbass were pretty much swarmed.

I followed Glenn, Andrea, Jaqui, morales and Rick down the stairs to the basement. I guess Rick made a comment about the sewer and getting out that way. I really need to start paying attention to everyone when they are talking.

"Listen, all this time Brinley and I have been coming here, in and out with no problem. The first time we bring a group and everything goes to hell. No offense" he ranted catching even my attention. "If you want me to go into the smelly hole then fine but we're doing this my way"

Everyone nodded and I grabbed my flashlight. This isn't the first time Glenn and I have done this sort of thing. "Brinley and I will go, we've done this thing before but I need all of you on look out. If you need us up here in a hurry you yell down to us."

They all nodded and I followed after Glenn into the hole. Stepping into the water I looked up at Rick who nodded down to us. The rest of them had left, leaving just Glenn and I to do our thing.

We followed through the tunnels, my feet getting more and more west. Rats climbing though there with us.

We got to the back grate, "Shit, it's locked" Glenn said. Both of us sighing. "All this for nothing" he said rolling his eyes.

We looked down seeing a walking taking a bite out of a rat. Disgusting.

"Let's go" Glenn said getting up and pulling me out of the tunnel.

Glenn and I were trying to come up with a plan, to get out of here. Some people ideas weren't too bad but ricks was the best. Disgusting but honestly the only plan I feel comfortable taking.

"You don't talk that much do you?" He asked. I shook my head 'no' and continued to look at the construction sight. I nodded towards it, pointing at the white pannel. It no doubt held the keys.

"They keys" Rick nodded and I nodded back. Then pointing at the large white box truck. Holding up a number 3 with my fingers. He furrowed his eye brows confused. "She means it's truck 3 which is her telling us that she's down for your plan which I am too. When you get the keys they will be for truck #3" Glenn chimed in.

I nodded at Glenn and looked over at Rick. "Alright let's do this" he said looking at the others.

I gagged at the smell of the dead, our jackets getting covered in the walkers guts. My stomach twisted in disgust.

When we got ready to step outside I looked at Glenn with our normal 'ready' look. He sighed but nodded. "Let's go" he said leading us out into the alley.

We started down the street, walking around the walkers. Trying my best not to flinch when one got a little too close. My eyes looked up at the sky, the sky was dark. Rain started to trickle down. I looked wide eyed at Glenn who had the same look. The smell was going to wash off.

It wasn't until a walker started chomping its jaws in my face we realized it was in fact washing off. Rick swung his axe, walker blood splattering in my face. "Run!" Rick yelled.

We all took off running, climbing over the fence. I turned align with Rick and started shooting the walkers down. "Rick!" Glenn yelled throwing him the key to the truck. I hopped in the middle as Rick hopped in the drivers seat.

I starred intently as Rick and Glenn jumped out of the car. Breaking into a car which Glenn got in driving away.

"Let go!" Rick yelled running towards the truck. We took off towards the building everyone was in.

When we got to the loading dock we opened up the door and everyone jumped in. Everyone but Merle. Where the hell is Merle?

Everyone else was in, the door came sliding shut. Rick drove away from the store. Everyone with crazed expressions and t-dog with a face full of regret. "I dropped the damn key" he whispered which came out more as a choke. Well why the hell didn't you pick it up.

"I dropped it down the damn drain"

I sighed heavily, sinking deeper into the floor of the truck. Daryl is not going to be happy. Just wait until they tell Daryl what the hell happened.

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