chapter 13

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Y/N's pov:As the carriage took us to the hospital where Philip would soon be all I could think about was if Philip was going to survive. Of course there isnt anything to take care of his wound, all we could do was hope and pray that everything was okay and God would spare Philip's life.

As we neared the hospital Philip was being rushed in, his father running behind him. I looked up at my father "We should wait..give philip time with his family, even if it means that we see him dead.." I whispered. My dad looked down to me and nodded, his arm wrapped around my shoulder in a attempt of comfort. I saw Eliza run into the hospital and I started to tear up...Philip's death would be a heart break to us all. After about 10 minutes I got out of the carriage, my dad following me into the hospital. We ran to the room where Philip and his Parents were, I knocked then answered the door. Eliza and Alexander were hunched over their son I could hear the sobs. Eliza looked up and saw me and my father.

"Oh y/ came.. he isnt talking but his heart is still beating a little bit." She led me to him, he was laid there his eyes were closed and his lips were trembling. I looked behind me to see my dad trying to awkwardly comfort Hamilton, i turned my attention back to Philip and sighed as I grabbed his hand

"Philip...I dont know if you're in a coma, I dont know where you are right now but if you can hear me I'm sorry..I love you.." I started to tear up, I had to get out of there. As I turned to leave I felt a hand grab the back of my dress I turned to see Philip looking at me with tears in his eyes.
"Y/n...please stay here. I have to apologize for everything before I die.."

"But you won't die Philip, you have to stay here. Stay here for your family for your future" I told him as I grabbed his hand making sure my grip was firm. He looked me in the eyes and laughed a bit "..if I dont die can we have a baby?.." I laughed and shook my head "Can we get married first?" He nodded and I kissed his forehead. I watched him as he closed his eyes and took a sigh. He wasnt dead yet that was good but it could at any point in time that his heart could stop.

We sat there for hours, a few more people came to see Philip. My dad decided he would go home and I could stay here with Eliza, Angelica and little Angelica. The doctors came in and checked on Philip every once in a while. They weren't sure if he slipped into a coma or if he was just not waking up but the bleeding stopped and they had to take him into surgery to get the bullet out of him.

I knew we didnt have the technology to make sure he made it out alive. He bullet lodged between his right arm and his hip, I knew he could die, I knew too much blood could be lost. I knew they might have to cut off his right arm if nothing else worked.

I looked down at Philip, his mother and other family left the room to get him gifts for when he woke up while I stayed behind
"Philip...wake can pull through this.." I whispered and whispered over and again.
He opened his eyes slowly and looked up  at me "Shush Y/n..let me sleep" he whispered, he sat up and kissed me then laid back down "If I die.."

"BUT YOU WON'T DIE" I yelled as I felt the tears well up in my eyes "You cant die"..the room fell silent and he closed his eyes again I moved his hair out of his face as he took a deep breath "I'm sorry Philip." I held his hand and prayed hoping that he would make it..he had to make it.

AN NOTE:Hello guyss!!!thank you all so much for the reads! I hope the story continues to be something you guys can enjoy I'm sorry it takes me a while to update but I plan on making this thr next story possible love you all

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