Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov: Me and Father went out on the town, we were in town square where most of the rich people shopped. The laides swooned over my dad and some of the boys tried to flirt with me but I still felt like I was Philips so i turned every single one of them down which my father was very mad about but I didn't care really.

He dragged me into a store with big beautiful dresses and shoes, jewelry was lined up in the middle of the room and they had beautiful corsets in the back. I walked through the feild of dresses and stopped once i saw a dress that looked just like my mothers.

Emerald green with a white trim, i sighed and ran my hands over the lace of the sleeve my dad walked up behind me and put an arm around my shoulder. I guess the dress reminded him of mom too because he started to tear up, most of our moms stuff was still in the house accept her emerald green dress, it was her favorite dress and she wanted to be buried in it.

My father kneeled down beside me and touched the soft fabric of the dress. Memories flashed back in my mind of her, she was always so caring yet so carefree and she loved me and my father so much. The memory of us in the backyard made me tear up.

"You are so beautiful my little angel, you have my eyes and your dads smile i cant wait to see you all big and grown using that sharp mind and fighting for what you want just like your father does. Your father is making a difference for our America and i know you can do the same thing my strong babygirl"...."Mama your pretty too and when i grow up i will be as beautiful as you!" ..."You already are beautiful my angel you'll get so far in life sweetheart, one day America will sing for you and me and your father will be there every step of the way..i love you my sweet pea"..."I love you too mama"........

I looked over at dad who was silently crying, i remember seeing her on the kitchen floor her glass cup shattered and her on her back. She died two days later and left me and father alone with heavy hearts every memory of her gone, her life up in wisps and her soul dark. Looking at her lifeless was scary it hurt she was always full of life but sickness took her away. My dad grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"You're just like your mother, same eyes, same wit its like looking at your mother in a different body. Just dont leave me like your mother did" his voice cracked but he kept his watery eyes on me.

"I promise dad...i promise".

Later that day.

Father decided we should finally go home, he bought me a whole bunch of stuff and he got me the emerald dress. He wasnt sure if he should have gotten it for me but i insisted he got me a pink dress and a blue one and a beige one, he got me a white corset with gold finishes and two new pairs of shoes. He also though it would be a good idea to get me a whole bunch of jewelry which i really didnt know what i was going to do with.

We got home and i let the butlers take my bags to the house, i walked through the front gate and onto the long narrow pathway but i looked over and saw Mr.Burr and...Theo!! I ran over to her giving her the biggest hug ever, i hadn't seen her in two years.

"Theo i havent seen you in forever how have you been?"

"I've been ok, me and my dad have been traveling alot and we had my moms burial a year ago so shes not suffering anymore"

I heard about her mom passing away, i was in France and Mr.Burr wrote us a letter informing us of her passing.
"Well at least our moms are together in heaven being bestfriends again" i smiled and she smiled back at me. I was happy to see her again i knew it would only be a matter of time.

I led her up to my room and we talked about everything but then she bought up Philip and i rolled my eyes just at the thought of his name. "He's a liar and a cheat i want nothing to do with him.." i told her as she nodded understanding.

Theo's pov:
"Yeah i know i'll never forgive him for what he did to you" i said and grabbed her hand. I wanted to cry, i had liked Philip since i first saw him but when Y/n told me she was head over heels i knew i had to put my feelings on the back burner for her she even told me that he was hers already. I knew if i told her that i loved him she'd be silently resigned and he would be mine, but i still fantasized about Philip every now and then...but later down the road he had cheated on her and the love i felt for him made me feel even more guilty, i couldnt swoon over Philip secretly anymore when i knew what he had done. I tried to move on and i kind of did, i started talking James Madison's son Henery Madison and i liked him alot we got very close but i didnt feel for him how i felt for Philip but i knew i had to get over him.

I looked over at Y/n who was talking about how much she hated him and it broke my heart i felt bad for her, i knew her like my own mind and i was going to make sure Philip felt horrible for what he did to her.

Messy Y/n Jefferson × Philip Hamilton Where stories live. Discover now