Chapter 11

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Authors note: Thanks for 228 reads whoop whoop!♡♡

Philip's pov: As we walked up the stairs all I could think about was what was finally gonna happen between me and
Y/n...I've wanted to talk about this ever since it happened. I don't know what made her decide she wanted to talk to me now but I wasn't complaining I was actually sitting here thanking God for giving me the opportunity finally speak to her. I followed her up the stairs and out to the little porch that cliffed right above Ney York city, it was beautiful and being here with Y/n made it better. This was my chance my once and a life time opportunity to explain myself, clean my slate, turn over a new leaf and make her mine again.

I watched her as she looked over our precious New York, her eyes lit up a little. She loved the sights of New York, we were a little in debt but it didnt matter. And Mr.Madison did a great job picking this rental home right in the middle of the rich side of New York. As I was lost in thought I heard her start to talk

"This city is so beautiful..I wish I lived here instead of Virginia, all there is is grass in Virginia." She sighed and looked over at me "Welp we're here now..I guess that means we should talk about you cheating on me.." she explained and walked away to take a seat on the cushioned bench that perched right beside the doorway to the porch.

I nodded and took a seat next to her. Dont fuck this up Philip was all I could repeat in my mind

'Don't fuck this up Philip. Don't fuck this up don't fuck it up!'

" about that. I never meant to hurt you Y/n I loved you so much I- i still do. Everyday I think about you and every date we went on and how much my mom loved you. I guess I did get sort of whore gene from my father granted what he did to my mom but what I did to you wasn't intentional Y/n it just happened.."

She glared at me with that same look like she was going to rip my head off of my shoulders .
"How is sneaking another girl into your house and knowing that we had a date that night not intentional Philip you're not clinically retarded you knew what you were doing" she said. It was obvious she was very aggravated with me

"But I still loved you and I still do!"

"Philip you never loved me if you loved me you wouldn't have cheated!"

"But it was an accident I promise, she was pretty and everything but you're prettier you know that and that date would have been boring anyways I saved us both the trouble" I smiled trying to lighten the mood. Big mistake

"I planned that date and the date before that and the date before that was every date boring you lying dumb peice of-" She got up before she could cuss me out

I grabbing her wrist before she could go "Y/n listen to me please I'm sorry I'm still in love with you I still belong to you"

"Get off of me you ungrateful little no good whore!" She yelled "You lie, you cheat, you insult my dates you're the most selfish worthless person I've ever met you sorry excuse of a boyfriend!" She yelled even louder and slapped me "I knew I shouldnt have done this you just make things worse" she pushed me off and turned away from me again ready to walk off

I grabbed her again and pressed my lips against hers it was the only thing that would get her to zip it...and I also missed kissing her.

I pulled away and put my hands on her hips "Y/n I'm sorry...if I have to get on both knees to beg you to forgive me I will whatever it takes. I know I can't shut my mouth for anything but i promise I won't ever ever ever hurt you again just give me another chance"

She looked at me and teared up a little
"'re not ready yet. I'm not ready yet.." she looked away from me and moved my hands from her hips. "I need a break from all of this, I tried having this conversation with you and you ruined it.."she sighed and turned the other way "Come to me when you're ready to face your own problems and be a man" she wiped her eyes and walked off, her emerald green dress disappeared behind her.

I inhaled and waited for her to come back to me, I knew she still wanted to talk I knew their was something she wanted to say. I closed my eyes and waited but she never came back, I blew it with her again every attempt to get her back never this point I had lost hope that she was even mine anymore..

Y/n's pov:"Fuck Philip he lies he cheats and then to put the cherry on top of the stupid freaking cake he insulted my date planning he said they were boring can you believe the audacity!?" I went off to Theo about Philip in the bathroom and she just watched

"Y/n maybe you're the problem,  you're blocking yourself from opening up and listening to what he has to say" Theo explained "I mean come on now, you've gone off everytime you and him have had an encounter" she told me with a shrug

"Theo I tried to open up, I tried to let him explain himself but everytime he opens his mouth it's just nonsense and stupid garbage" this was getting annoying. I sat on the toilet seat and Theo stood in front of me

"Y/n, my dearest let it go. When you're ready and when he's ready you'll know okay just let it rest. You cant even enjoy this party because you're so worked up about Philip remembering what you told me "Let's forget about these boys and just have girl time!" She smiled and pulled me off of the toilet

"Yeah you're right..I'm sorry bestfriend" I sighed and pulled her into a hug
"Its okay, go out there and have a blast, I have to pee real quick" Theo explained and pushed me out of the bathroom
"I uh- okay..Henry!" I turned away from the bathroom door on the hunt for Henry

Theodosia's pov: I sighed and occupied the seat on the toilet. My little crush on my bestfriend was growing thicker and my crush on Philip wasnt going away. I didnt know what to do, my love for Y/n is super forbidden, I would probably be thrown in jail for liking a girl and liking Philip was being a fake friend towards Y/n and she didnt deserve any of that.

I shook my head "She's your bestfriend Theodosia's pull yourself together you cant like her or Philip get over it" I whispering to myself. I looked at myself in the mirror and dusted off my dress "Theodosia Burr, what has gotten into you?" I criticized myself, Tsk tsk this will all be over soon and I'll go back to having studies and court as my first priority. I walked out of the bathroom and looked around for Y/n only to be greeted by Philip

"Oh..hi Philip"

"Hey Theo, you seen Y/n around. Shes mad at me I'm trying to make this right tonight " he explained.

"Uhm no I havent but you know Y/n just leave her alone or she'll get more mad at the sight of your face. Try talking to her again when shes calm" I told him trying to save him from the wrath that was Y/n rage. He nodded and patted my shoulder "Yeah you're right Theo..can you tell me when shes cooled down?"

"Uhm yeah sure thing buddy...well I gots to go now nice catching up though!" I exclaimed and walked the other way

"" I heard Philip whisper was I walked off. Goodness what was I gonna do with myself

I liked Y/n I liked Philip I was going crazy. I looked around the ball room and saw Y/n dancing with Henry,  she looked beautiful No Theo stop it....maybe I should ask Y/n to dance..

I walked over to the two and bumped Henry out of the way "May I have this dance m'lady?" I joked

She nodded and took my hand "Yes you may" she smiled and gracefully danced a little "Hey I wasnt done with my dance!" Henry looked over at us
"Too bad Henry go find you another sexy doll to dance with this one's mine" I smiled and danced around with Y/n

Y/n's pov:I laughed and danced with Theo "Theo thanks for being such a good friend.."

"Of course, it's my pleasure" she smiled and kissed my cheek

I smiled, she was the only person that got me..after everything with Philip that night she helped me. Tonight was gonna be a night to remember..

Authors note:I'm sorry this story is all over the place, Its 5 am lol let me go to bed anyway thank you guys again for 228 reads! Have a good weekend lovelies

Messy Y/n Jefferson × Philip Hamilton Where stories live. Discover now