Keeping Heart

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Dear Harry Potter--

You may never get this, and I may never send this, but I just want you to know that if you ever need a friend to talk to, it can be me. Keep heart, Harry Potter, and don't let Voldemort get to you. You're stronger than him. I know you are. Remember the things you have that he doesn't have, and never will have.

Love from your friend, 

If Harry Potter ever reads this journal of things I write down, I'd want him to know that he's not alone. He is never alone and never will be alone. He has too many friends for that. Now, if it were me that we were talking about, it would possibly be another story, if not for Ginny. She is my absolute best friend, and I'm so lucky that she is. When one day I have children, I plan to name my firstborn (if it's a girl) after Ginerva Molly Weasley. Except it will be Ginerva Pandora Lovegood (or whatever my last name may be). In honor of my best friend and my mother, who I sorely miss, and also sorely love. They are both important to me.

Here are some things that I would like you to know, Harry Potter:

1. You listen to me, when no one else will

2. You care about those around you, and not just yourself

3. You have a brilliant personality, and I admire your bravery

4. You are stronger than you know. Therefore, you are also humble

5. You never once called me 'Loony' (at least to my face)

6. You are intelligent

7. No matter how tough the going gets, you never run away from it or try to deny the problem

8. You are a loyal friend whom I am glad to have by my side in a fight

9. You respect me for who I am and what I believe in, and you never tease me or make cruel jokes about me or talk about me nastily behind my back

10. You are my friend

I'm sure there is a longer list hiding around in my brain somewhere, but for now the Wrackspurts have invaded, and I'm completely sure that if I were to continue I'd waste the rest of the pages in my notebook. Just remember Harry Potter, that so many people love you and would die for you. Including me. 


 Lesson # 10: Keep heart, and keep on truckin'.

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