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Sometimes you can't tell the difference between internal pain and physical pain. During my stay at the Malfoy Manor I was tortured by both Voldemort and his assistant Wormtail. They used the Crucio curse on me a few times, and though it was terrible, the whole time I couldn't help but think about how if Voldemort won (which I knew he couldn't, because the bad guy never wins) this was what he would do to everyone. Then when Hermione was tortured in a similar way, I knew exactly what was going on. I healed my scars with my wand once I got it back, and didn't tell anyone about what happened to me. Until now. It wasn't so bad, really. The memory is the only part that hurts now. What's done is done, and what's gone is gone. You cannot go back to the past, nor can you change it in anyway. 

Pain isn't always external, either. I learned this through personal experiences, just as I'm sure you have. There is a fine line between mental, physical, and emotional pain. But have you ever given the  outcome of the pain any thought? Have you ever stopped to wonder if maybe, just maybe, that because of that experience you're a better person now? That because of that experience you are older and wiser? 

I believe that since I was tortured by Voldemort, I not only learned what real fear was, but I also realized that pain isn't the only thing that counts. I didn't give away any secrets, not even when he snarled and leaned in to sniff me with that awful nose(?) of his. I persevered, and gained stamina through my experience, as well as courage. I was sad that I was taken away from my father, and sadder still when I learned he had turned Harry Potter and his friends in only for me. I am not sad that I had that experience, because there will come a time later in life when I use what I learned then to help me.

 Lesson 13:  Learn to see past the bad to see the purpose in everything.

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