Seeing Thestrals

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I have always been able to see Thestrals. I realized that others could not see them when I asked Hagrid what they were and he looked at me funny. Since then, I just accepted the fact that I was apparently the only one who could see them. I didn't even know what their species name was until I did some thorough research. Thestrals are very gentle creatures and I find them very fascinating, even though they are different from everything else. Kind of like me.

Fourth year I concealed it pretty well, but I was secretly, absolutely thrilled when Harry mentioned the things pulling the carriages. It didn't surprise me when Hermione and Ron looked at him like he was crazy, but I knew he wasn't because I could see Thestrals too! I told him. I know he looked skeptical, but I hardly noticed, I was just so excited that there was someone at Hogwarts other than me that had seen death.

I always knew about Harry Potter being the "Boy who lived," but it certainly is peculiar why he never saw the Thestrals until his fifth year. Wouldn't he have seen them sooner, since he was very young when he saw his parents die? I was nine, but Harry was an infant, maybe that has something to do with it? You can tell that I've thought about this often.

I remember the first time when Harry actually connected with me. It was while I was feeding Thestrals. I was feeling a bit...dejected that day, so I went to seek comfort with the Thestrals. Harry Potter met me there and we shared some thoughts with each other before he left again.

I've already gone over the details about how much my new friends helped me in my fourth year, so I don't need to do it again. Just know that if you've experienced the death of a loved one, you are not alone.

Only people who have personally seen death can see Thestrals. Most people can't, and many of those people still refuse to believe in them. However, there are some, like my friends (and also Professor Umbridge) who chose to believe in them even though they can't see them. There are facts that prove their existence. There are some people who understand that if they ever experience the traumatic emotion seeing death brings, they will see Thestrals too.

Who knows? Maybe one day everyone will be able to see them.

Lessons # 7 and 8: You are never truly alone. You do not have to see to believe in something.

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