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I've always loved dreams. Not every dream I have is pleasant, but the idea of dreaming; going someplace else and creating worlds of your own fascinates me. It all happens when you're asleep! It has never ceased to amaze me. I also tend to remember my dreams seeing as they are quite vivid and so real. I dream about different things, but I seem to have dreams about Hogwarts at least once every week. That's why they seem so real to me.

After the nightmares with my mother stopped, I didn't dream at all for a while and it really confused me. I counted on dreams to prove my sanity--don't ask me why. When they were absent I felt a tad naked and insecure, like what some people feel when their blankie or favorite stuffed animal decides to leave them.

I have a China doll that sits at the foot of my bed, staring silently at me. When I wake up every morning I am greeted by her big blue eyes, watching me wake up and protecting me while I sleep. Her name is Anul, my name backwards. A lot of people find this fact creepy and slightly disturbing, but it doesn't bother me at all.

Aside from Anul, I have dreams to protect me. When I don't have dreams, I don't feel as safe. Anul keeps me company, yes, but it is the dreams that comfort me  in my slumber. Dreams are very important to me, like food and water and shelter. They are a shield that makes me feel in control and imaginative. Without dreams, I am completely powerless.

I've never kept a dream journal, as some people do. Mostly because I usually remember my dreams, and they stay with me for an ungodly amount of time after I've had them. After the memory of a certain dream is gone, I don't think much about it because there is always another dream of mine handy that I can pull up and daydream about sometimes.

I know this entry isn't much about something specific that happened in my life, but I find it wonderful when you have something that is very dear to you that you are sure will never vanish, and will be with you always.

Lesson # 4: When you have found something that comforts you, hold onto it and it'll hold onto you.

Luna's Little Book of Wisdom {A Harry Potter Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now