Ginerva Molly Weasley

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I think that Ginny Weasley was my first best friend in the whole world. She really was just that, and I was hers, or so she told me once. Some memories I have with Ginny are very near and dear to my heart, and in fact, I've stored some of them in the miniature Penseive that my father gave to me on my fourteenth birthday.  Dumbledore has one in his office as well, I've heard.

The first time I met Ginny was my first year at Hogwarts. Already my nickname was 'Loony,' and Ginny was just another Gryffindor that refereed to me as this, and nothing else. I didn't know her, and she didn't want to know me.

It was a chilly day, rather dreary when this happened. I was skipping down the hallway thinking of Heliopaths when out of the corner of my eye I saw some kids yelling at each other with quite loud voices. I recognized Ginny Weasley with her flaming red hair and cute freckles dotting her cheeks. Ginny was normally a very happy person, at least that's what I perceived her to be, but at that moment her cheeks were stained with tears, and her hands were trembling. She cowered in fear from her attackers. 

I didn't recognize the boy at first, his face was hidden from me, but soon as he turned my mind formed the name: Draco Malfoy. He was a second-year Slytherin, and his two cronies Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were huddled at his side. They all flocked around poor Ginny, who had no idea what was going on.

"Excuse me, may I ask you exactly what you boys are doing?" I asked, walking up behind the bullies. Vincent was the first one to turn, and he peered at me as if he had poor eyesight and was in need of spectacles. 

"Hello, Vincent. Lovely day, isn't it? Have you seen the monthly Quibbler yet? It will give you something else to do other than pick on girls," I said. I was nervous, yes, but I feel less scared and more brave when people are in danger.

"So you're Loony Luna Lovegood?" Draco asked, immediately turning his focus onto me. I nodded. 

"I am to some people, yes." I could feel Ginny's guilt as I said this, and she knew it.

"The Quibbler certainly takes after you and your father: pure nonsense," Draco smirked. I smiled pleasantly back at him and he got very annoyed with me.

"Can you not process anything in that big empty brain of yours?! Are you really that loony?" He cackled. "And here I was, thinking "loony" meant weird, not retarded!" 

Gregory laughed but Vincent and Ginny didn't understand the muggle term. (I really didn't either, to tell you the truth. The way he used it did not sound kind.)

"Perhaps I am that loony, and perhaps I am not. You never can tell these days," I replied. I looked back at Ginny to see that she was now smiling, the tears wiped away. "Maybe you should take me to Madam Pomphry to check my brain for Wrackspurts. They make your brain go fuzzy."

 Gregory stared, Vincent took a deep breath and started backing up. Draco, however, stood his ground.

"Go back to whatever you were doing, you stupid git, and leave us alone!" He hissed. I looked at Ginny and he followed my gaze. I took the chance.

"Does Ginny know that you like her? I understand that you might be a little feelings and all. But I have to agree with you, she's one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen." 

At this, Draco and Ginny both flushed, though Draco's blush was from anger rather than embarrassment. He pushed me down on the floor and lifted his hand to strike me when Professor McGonagall's sharp voice prevented me from getting smacked. Draco gave me one last sneer, and made sure I knew that he would finish with me later, and I just nodded as if I were a good pupil in class.

After the Slytherins were all safely down the hallway, Ginny approached me boldly, no longer afraid to talk to me.

"Thanks, Luna," she said. The first time she'd talked to me to my face, and the first time she called me Luna! I was thrilled! 

After that, we were inseparable. We remain so today.

 Lesson # 9: Friendship is one of the most beautiful gifts you can receive that isn't necessarily wrapped. Treasure it, and never let it go.

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