Sending Hope

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Voldemort is a very bad man who does very bad things. Does anyone really know why the villain in stories is evil? Or are they just marked as "evil" and left at that? Has anyone ever dug deeper into the mind of the wicked, or danced with memories of the accursed person? Has anyone researched when exactly this person snapped? Or why they did, and how? The answer you're looking for is: no, not really. When someone does delve into the life of the villain, they do it in a judgmental, unsympathetic way.

I am not sure as to why exactly Voldemort is the way he is. I certainly haven't taken the time to fully research his life or look into a Pensieve full of his memories. However, given the chance, I would do just that. If I had enough time on my hands I would focus and get down to the truth because I know that deep down, no matter how deep, there is the potential to do good in every personGo ahead and mock me. Laugh at the way I think all you want, and disagree with me all you wish. I will not start believing in something different or change my way of thinking. 

I wrote a letter to Lord Voldemort in my fifth year, the year of the Half Blood Prince. I did send it to him, I'm just not sure if he ever got it or not and if it meant anything to him at all. He might have been so far gone at that point that he didn't even know what I was referring to, or talking about. He might not have read it at all, and burned it on the spot without another thought towards the subject. Or perhaps it never got delivered to him at all. All the same, I will never know, but that's fine with me. A copy of the letter is below:

Dear Mr. Tom Marvolo Riddle,

You don't know me. At least not very well, and I know you even less than that. I do know you in the sense that you are a very bad person that kills innocent people for the fun of it. And you probably steal, and lie, and pull cruel pranks, and cause people to go insane. So I guess I know a lot about you, in terms of what you are now. But I don't know anything about your past, or your future, or what you are really deep inside.

Dark Lord, sir, I'd like to ask you a few questions, and then I'm going to attempt to answer them for you. If that's not okay with you, you can burn this note right away and I'll never know. 

First question is: Have you ever known love? Have you ever really truly felt what it is like to have somebody care about you and love you? Has anyone ever been so loyal that they'd do anything for you? (Not just a fake love as a result as fear.)

My answer to my own question: Probably not. I mean, it seems as if you have plenty of friends now. Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucious Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew...all sorts of different followers. And they certainly seem as if they'd do anything for you, in fact, I think they've proved it a couple of times. But do they really from the bottoms of their hearts care about you? Or are they just craving power like you, and because you're more powerful than them they submit to you, and deal with it for now. Would they stick with you in times of personal trouble? I don't know about you, but I'm not sure all of them would.

Second question: Why do you hurt people when they've done nothing at all to you?

My answer to my own question: This is hard to answer. I assume that you attack others because you are being attacked by your own inner battles, and are conflicted with thoughts of rage and hate. And  you hurt others because you are hurting. Why, I'll never know.

But I do know this: Mr. Voldemort, I feel very sorry for you. I pity you, and wish that I could help you. I would, if given the chance. But I'm pretty sure you'd just kill me and resist me, probably the one person in this world that is willing to help you. And I know I've just made you angrier than ever before with my words, but I needed to tell you, and you needed to know. Needed to know, that someone cares (at least a smidgen), and is offering her help if you ever require it.

Write back if you want something to cheer you up, such as the monthly Quibbler, or a humorous picture of a Crumple-Horned Snorcrack.

~Luna Elizabeth Lovegood, Hogwarts student year 5

Lessons # 11 & 12:  No matter what you think, you are never alone and there is someone who cares for you and is willing to help, if only you ask them.

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