25 - II

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H's POV:

I let my tears flow without a care that he was watching me at my vulnerable situation. I didn't care that my employees could get to know that their proud and arrogant boss was crying like a kid. I didn't care about anything other than the man I love who just broke my heart into million pieces and threw it in the trash.

He walked towards the door, holding the handle to open before he looked back at me. "I don't want the money, Harry. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I expected something which you can never give me", he opened the door and exited, closing it behind him.

I slumped on the wall, knees pulled closer to my body and laid my head on them, closing my eyes.


I cleaned his injured hands before taking him to the bathroom. I opened the shower and helped him with cleaning himself. After exiting the bathroom, I helped him put on a shorts with a random t-shirt. He couldn't stand steady but I tried balancing him as much as possible, before bringing him towards his bed and laying him on it. I went on to pull the blanket over when he held my wrist.

"T-thank y-you, b...baby. F-for e-eve-thing, Ha-r-r-eh", he mumbled as a smile lit up on my face.

"It's fine. Just sleep now", I said trying to leave when he didn't let me.

"C-cuddle w-with me", he said innocently while I stood without moving. "P-peas", he requested again making me give into it. I laid next to him on the bed, still keeping some distance between us. "C-come c-clo-ser, b-baby. I don't b-ite", he chuckled making me look at him with a smile but I moved closer nevertheless.

"I-I l-like your eyeshhh. They ah b-beaut-ful", he slurred but it just made me blush.

"Thank you. Your eyes are more beautiful. I get so lost inside them", I said making him look at me making me realise of our position. His chin was placed on my chest while his left arm encircled my waist. His eyes moved from mine to my lips, making me lick them nervously. He looked at me again waiting for my permission and who could actually say no to Zayn Malik? I nodded my head and in an instant, his lips were on mine, making me smile.

His kiss was sloppy because he was drunk but I took the lead, making him open his mouth. He moaned relentlessly as I roamed every nook and crevice of his mouth. We pulled back only for my lips to attack his neck, kissing and nibbling all over his jawline. I went on to kiss his ear when I was unexpected put on my back, his face nestled in the crook of my neck, his lips working wonders on my sensitive skin. Our hands roaming each other's body without tiring. He paused for a moment and pulled on my t-shirt, gesturing me to remove it. I hesitated for a second since he would never remember this the next morning but I didn't care as long as I had him now to love me and call him mine. I pulled my t-shirt in an instant, moving forward to help him remove his.

The next thirty minutes was just silence, accompanied by our pants, moans and groans. Sweat dripping down our body like gold, steaming up the air around us, his skin on mine, again and again.

"S-sweat f-for me, b....babyyyyy", he panted, marking my soul with his imprint. Making me his for a thousand lifetimes. Ruining me for others. Claiming me as his physically, emotionally and mentally. I was his and I can't deny it anymore. I want to be with him forever, no matter what it takes.

"Y-you are m-m-ine, b.. baby. f-fore-eva", he mumbled before falling asleep in no time.

"I love you, Zaynie. Yes, you're my Zaynie. You know that somewhere between our fights and arguments, I fell in love, babe. I don't know what you did or how you did it. But you put chains around my feet. You held me hostage and I fell for you. Stockholm Syndrome cliché", I said chuckling at myself. "As I lay here right next to you, I don't want to be anywhere else. I feel that this is my place, my haven and my favourite hideaway. Within your arms, love. I can't move on from you. I can't let go of you. You're mine and I'm forever only yours", I said with a huge face-splitting smile. I hugged his sleeping body and placed repeated kisses on his forehead, smiling everytime his face contorted into different shapes.

The smile on my face fell in an instant when the realisation hit me like a brick wall. He isn't going to remember anything tomorrow and he wasn't going to accept me in his life. Ever. I love him so much but I don't know if I can dream for a future with him, no matter how bad I want that for us. I felt tears running down my cheeks, unintentionally without stopping. I cried silently, sniffling and hugging him tighter. If these were going to be the last moments I spend in his arms, I'll hold him tighter and closer to me. I'm not letting him go. Atleast not this soon.

I looked down ar his sleepy self and tried to whisper those words, in an attempt to convince myself that I can let him go. "it's better if we forget this mistake, Zaynie. We're not good for each other", I mumbled even though they don't seem true and honest to my own self. I planned that this was what he would expect from me and I practiced it over and over again in my head to sound convincing to him the next morning, which proved futile since I left his room before the break of dawn, not willing to put him and I in an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

The next morning was nothing out of the usual other than the fact that Zayn ignored me and everytime I tried to talk to him, he just replied in short.

"Hey, Zayn. I made some of your favourites for breakfast. Just sit down on the table, I'll plate them up", I said with a wide smile, which wasn't returned by him.

I placed two spoons full of his favourite chicken in pasta salad and two sunny side eggs on the plate and grabbed a bottle of Sunny D orange juice.

He didn't even look at me, which hurt me but I never let the smile slip away from my face. He ate them all up without any comment and stood up walking to the kitchen to put the plate in the dishwasher. My eyes followed his every step before he came and stood next to the dining table. I smiled up at him, expecting for him to say something about the breakfast but it just ended in disappointment.

"I'm going out with my friends. Please inform the girls", my smile dropped from my face and my eyes burned holding back the tears. He turned on his heel and walked away without sparing another glance towards me.

My mind replayed the whole incident like a broken record player and I felt like my heart was just excited to see me hurting more and more; breaking bit by bit again. The pain within me felt like someone twisting the knife repeatedly while laughing like a psycho at your miserable self.

I don't know what I did to deserve this but I just knew that I couldn't do anything when Hearts don't feel the same.


To be continued... 💚💛

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