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The bell chimed as Harry entered the small book shop. He looked around the space, where one section consists of neatly arranged bookshelves, display stands, posters and the other was exclusively a stationery section. This tiny place was well-known as one of the best suppliers to many companies across the town. He went ahead to the counter, enquiring about the delivery personnel at his company two weeks ago.

The girl directs him towards the stockroom where Zayn was currently unpacking and stacking the stock they had received the previous day.


I was again given the stockroom responsibilities, as Hilly believes that I'm the most trustworthy and hardworking employee. I'm happy that he thinks that and that I'd not have to constantly chat with my coworkers, so I took up the job given to me without a resistance.

I was kneeling down on the ground, checking the list and unpacking the relevant boxes before placing them in their allocated places, when I heard the door being opened. I didn't bother looking up as I knew either Millie or John would have come, looking for extra copies. I continued my task, when my attention was brought by the sound of door latch. I looked up to see a gorgeous green eyed man, dressed in a formal greyish green suit, looking down at me and making his way towards my direction. I was so distracted by his handsome features, his perfect pink lips and curly brunette hair that I didn't realize that he was talking to me.

"Are you dumb and deaf? I didn't think so", he questioned as his eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"Ummm.. who are you? What are you doing here? This is a stockroom and none other than the staffs are allowed here. You may have to go", I said getting up from my position to stand straight, yet I was a few inches shorter than him. He looked at me once over before his eyes met mine. We were silent for some time, as I felt him looking at my eyes for a second more than necessary and felt uncomfortable. I didn't want to use my boxing techniques here but I might if I had to.

"You sure have a good-looking face but you're mouth is definitely a trash can. Wish I could say, you had beauty and brains", he tsked, shaking his head repeatedly. I looked at him in confusion before I recognized his voice. This was the same arrogant jerk of a boss. I face-palmed.

"Should have recognised. How can I forget that you're literally an arrogant and stuckup jerk? My apologies for not realising before", I smirked as he glared at me.

"Watch your mouth, you idioh. I can make you lose your job and struggle for survival. Don't underestimate me", he gritted his teeth, while his eyes shown anger. I wasn't going to back down too.

"I knew you were a coward and you just proved it to me. 'I can make you lose your job'", I imitated his as he glared hard at me. "Do you think I'm a fool? I face my enemies like a man and don't go threatening them with useless words, like a six year old whiny kid. You need to grow up if you want to fight me", I snarled at him.

"What did I even expect from a scumbag like you? You don't even have the basic manners. You just like to run your mouth without stopping or thinking. Didn't your parents teach you to think before you speak? Too late to learn but you need to learn", he spoke out, hitting a nerve, which made my blood boil with anger.

"You have no right to talk about something you have no idea about. Don't go blabbering and spewing bullshxt when you don't follow it yourself. You can be the rich spoilt brat, who got everything you demanded. But you should have been taught how to speak without arrogance. Then again, what did I even expect? You have time and energy to talk about everything but have no real guts to apologize. Selfconceited jerk", I retorted angrily, before turning towards the shelves to continue the work I had at hand and ignoring him. I was shocked when I was pulled away from the racks as he held my left bicep and my back hit the wall beside me.

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