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"Bhai, please don't forget we both have parent-teacher meet exactly at noon. And don't you be late. I really want to show you my art class projects and I can't do it if you're late", Waliyah rambled on and on, till they reached their school.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll be there on time. Yeah? And Safaa, no fights please", I instructed them as the two girls walked into the school. After they were into the building safely, I started my fifteen minute walk to the book shop I work in. The walk seemed lengthy today as I was still exhausted and tired from the match, three nights ago. But, this is my only resort for a good money.

I work at the book shop five days a week and take up fights whenever I'm needed. But now, I'm not happy with the way my life had turned and danger was always lurking around me and that's the major of wearing a mask in the street circle. I want to keep my identity hidden, which in turn would keep my innocent sisters safe and secure.

The bell chimed as I opened the door and walked in passing a slight nod to my co-workers. I'm not much of a talker or a friendly person. I keep it to myself, occasionally uttering a word to the others.

"Zayn, double-check the stock that arrived yesterday with the list we provided. Let me know if something is left out and also check if any other books are out of stock. That would be your task for the whole day", Hilly, my boss ordered.

"Yeah sure, boss. I need an hour break today. I've a parent-teacher meet in my sisters' school. I'll stay late in the evening and finish my job, though", I requested.

"No worries, son. Take your break when you need. Just inform me before you go", he responded as I went to start the task at hand.

Hours flew by as I was immersed in the stock checking. I was brought back to reality when I heard my name being called.

"Zayn, boss needs you in his office immediately", my co-worker, Stephanie said. I nodded in acknowledgement as I stood up, looking at the clock to see it was quarter to noon. I walked to Hilly's cabin before knocking the door. I entered as he looked up at me with a smile.

"Huh. Zayn. You're here. As you said you needed an hour break for your sisters' school, I thought you could finish the delivery at a company", he said thinking.

"But I've less than thirty minutes now, boss. I'll be late to the meeting", I tried to reason.

"Oh. Don't worry about that, honey. You finish your meeting then you can drive my car to the address I've put in the GPS. I've asked the others to load the stock they needed. They're a very huge company and a bulk ordering customer for more than five years. So, I can't possibly delay their delivery or we may lose their order. They had sent a reminder mail two days ago too that they're running out of customized designing notepads and other stationery stuffs. So, I can't be lethargic about them. I've already informed them that they'll be getting the delivery by three this afternoon. So, please be a dear and drop it there, son", he requested. He was literally a father-figure to me and I can't deny him. So I accepted the task before taking his keys and my leather jacket from the changing room and made my way out.

I reached the school in no time and got out of the car, locking it before making my way towards Waliyah's class. The two meetings took around thirty minutes and then I was pulled by both my sisters on each side to their art class.

"I will show my drawings to bhaiya first", Safaa announced, making Wali glare at her.

"No, it was my idea to show him the projects. So I'll go first. Stop arguing with me, saff", she countered angrily.

They started arguing while I just stood there face-palming at their behaviour. They went back and forth and I was finally done with them.

"Both of you stop right now or I'm leaving the place without seeing anything", I said strictly as they both stopped fighting. "Wali, she was younger than you, so learn to adjust with her, love", I reprimanded her. "Saf, don't argue with her. She's your elder sister, baby. Now both of you apologize to each other and then show me your drawings", I advised them as they both apologized and hugged each other before bringing out their works to me.

HEARTS DON'T FEEL THE SAME (ZARRY)Where stories live. Discover now