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"I think we must hire some artists who are wonderful at their job and tie them up with our company for the future projects", the VP, Mr Sean, put his suggestion.

"I think we must bring some budding artists who are struggling to find their place in the industry. There's no use in collaborating with all known faces. We need some real talent and skills", I suggested my opinion while looking at the board of directors.

"Sir, but budding artists won't be considered a good choice. If we collaborate with some well-known artists, we can gain more publicity and marketing too", Mrs Adams spoke up, making me shake my head.

"You're not getting the point. Renowned artists can be arrogant and selfish to work with and they'd always do things in their own time and ways. We need people who are in dire need of opportunities which would in turn make them feel dedicated and loyal towards the company, as the company gave them a chance to put their best foot forward. They would always be indebted to their jobs. Here's a play of mind and sentiments, which many famous artists may lack", I explained as most of them nodded their heads, whilst some were still contemplating the idea.

We were cut off by a call which happened to be my sister and she wouldn't call during office hours unless the matter is serious.

"Harry... Harry... Mom isn't fine. Come home soon", Gemma's frantic voice sounds through the phone, in the midst of a meeting.

"Gem, please calm down and tell me what happened. How's mom, now?", I spoke worriedly through the phone, excusing myself from the conference room.

"I don't know, Haz. She just fainted and I don't know what to do. Come soon, bro. Dr. Felix is on his way too", she pleaded, as I tried to console my sister saying that I'd be home soon.

I hung up the call, walked into the room again to announce the emergency and rescheduling of the meeting. I walked hurriedly towards the elevator, closing and punching the buttons to the lower floor. The doors opened as soon as I reached the basement, leading directly into the parking lot, and got into my car, revving up the engine, pulling it on the road.

I pulled into mom's driveway within twenty minutes and got out hurriedly, locking the car as I walked off.

"What happened to mom? How's she now? Is it something serious?", I fired the questions as soon as the main door opened. Gemma looked at my frantic behaviour, as I made my way to the living room.

The scene before confused the hell out of me. My mom was laughing so hard at something my idiotic best friends had said and she looked perfectly fine. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion before I felt anger and frustration.

"What the hell is happening here? Mom, are you fine? Gem said you fainted?", I questioned very much concerned.

"I'm perfectly fine, Harry. Nothing to worry about. I felt a little light-headed, maybe because of some stress. Nothing serious, baby", she said assuring me.

"But why are you stressed? You shouldn't be, mom", I said as I sat next to her, hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"I have so much to worry about, baby. I'm a mother. My worries won't lessen, it'd only increase", she said kissing my right cheek. I can't bare to let anything happen to her. She was our only strength and support after my dad's death.

I sighed tiredly as I removed my coat and loosened my tie, leaning back on the backrest.

"Why are you two here? Don't you have jobs?", I asked my best friends who were sat opposite to me on the couch.

"We do have our jobs. What's your problem? She's not only your mom. She's our mom too", Niall replied pulling his eyebrow up in question.

"Tell me you didn't hire these two clowns to entertain you, mom. You could have told me and I would have set up a whole circus for you. Not these boring, amateur jokers, mom", I chuckled looking at my mom.

HEARTS DON'T FEEL THE SAME (ZARRY)Where stories live. Discover now