-.CHAPTER 10.-

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Unedited as usual.


Beomgyu woke up with a sharp pain in his lower back, half-conscious the pain was immense his ass and legs felt sore. Still lying with droopy eyes he spread his arms around himself checking if anything was near him but he only felt the soft mattress and covers around him.

Suddenly he remembered last night's events, with his pounding heart he woke up with a jolt and opened his wide open, he consumed all his energy left but all he could feel was pain and embarrassment.

He looked at his vulnerable state, Taehyun wasn't around. Did he get used? Why did he always think negatively? He couldn't help it. His chest caved, he pulled the covers over himself unable to move. He leaned against the leather headboard feeling cold tingles on his back, covering his head with the blanket curling into a tiny ball. He closed his eyes once again.

He wasn't even moments into his thoughts when he felt soft pats on his head, "Are you okay?" it was Taehyun's cold voice. 'How will I face him?' He slightly peeked out of the covers, only showing the top of his head and his eyes which were partially covered by his long brown bangs.

"You are too adorable, aren't you?" Taehyun smiled lightly as he took a seat near the older. "Get up now, I'll help you get freshened." Beomgyu flinched at the sudden touch as Taehyun removed the covers off from his face and cupped his face.

He hadn't taken notice of what the younger had just said instead his chin just dipped down. He felt bizarre from his regular self not until Taehyun took the notice of the older's embarrassment and leaned in for a soft kiss.

As their lips connected, Beomgyu felt a rush of warmth and comfort over his skin. The kiss was distinct from the several ones they shared yesterday, it was lovely and muffled but still magnetic like the day before.

Taehyun hissed in an undertone as he parted their lips, he started prepping kisses all over Beomgyu's face. The older giggled at the tickling sensation. Oh, how easily the younger lifted his mood.

"Time to get up, baby?" He looked into the older's eyes and melted away. "I'll take you to the bathroom." Beomgyu was confused but then he realized the other just wanted to assist him since he was sure that the older was weak and sore. "Cou-uld yo-ou turn a-around for a bit?" Taehyun frowned at the request but did so anyway.

As he turned around, Beomgyu shifted around and took his boxers and shirt- which was torn but still something is better than nothing he thought. He wore the clothes, trying to cover himself as much as possible, it was a hard time with your lower half numb. He was still embarrassed, he wasn't confident enough to show himself to the younger, or he thought so.

Taehyun gently picked Beomgyu off the bed in a bridal style, "Haven't I seen you naked already?" The younger asked shamelessly, as he looked ahead towards the bathroom door in his room.

And that earned him a little hit on his chest, Beomgyu covered his face in embarrassment. While Taehyun slowly pushed the door open with his sides.

'What's up with these dark rooms and red LEDs?' Beomgyu thought to himself as he observed the area.

And as if Taehyun heard him, he responded, "That's my aesthetic." Beomgyu nodded slightly and as he became aware of his surroundings he heard the music in the background. This time it was calmer than yesterday, it was chill piano.

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