-.CHAPTER 15.-

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Four days without him.
When Beomgyu thought that he would adjust to his absence it got worse. And with no work he couldn't distract himself with anything else than studies.

Though he hadn't said anything to Yeosang the first day, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched through a lens. Paranormal? Beomgyu doesn't think so. Everytime he felt like he was being watched he would turn around to see Yeosang looking at his phone, his actions were always oddly suspicious.
And Beomgyu ignored that every freaking time.

This afternoon he decided to go to the university's library, he hadn't been out of the apartment for what like five days still it felt like an eternity for an out going person like him. Anyways he needed to get some extra material for research reading. And here he was getting into his casuals.

A white T-shirt and a maroon vest on it, with black pants. His long brown bangs covered his forehead and maybe eyes, making him look like the softest fluff ball. He applied his skin care products because why not. A strawberry chapstick and the boy was looking great. He took his backpack and wore the high converse.

He strode past the guest room besides his room but stopped when he heard his name. He stepped back and leaned towards the door, apparently Yeosang was talking to someone on his cell phone because Beomgyu couldn't hear anyone else's voice other than older's.

"Why can't I tell him?"

"But Tae- I know- but seriously, he probably thinks I am some sort of creep."

"I am clicking his pictures and sending them to you and I will be the one to blame-"

"Fuck it, you don't like hearing no as an answer, do you-? Yeah yeah."

"Why don't you just call him- okay chill."

"Anyways, how are the new partners?-"

Beomgyu gasped at the conversation he just heard, certainly Yeosang was talking to Taehyun. He moved away from away from the door frame and unconsciously his elbow hit the aluminium show piece just beside the the wall coloumn.
And clank.

He quickly sprinted towards the living room with nervousness of getting caught evasdropping. He looked back after he came into the rest position. No one came after him, oOf-

He clutched onto the straps of his backpack and left the apartment. He placed his hand over his heart, it was racing. 'Fuck you Kang Taehyun!' he cursed. 'What have you done to my heart?' his mind replayed the conversation he just over heard.

Yeosang was clicking his pictures and sending it to Taehyun? 'Were there any embarrassing ones? Ahh' he stomped his feet on the ground like a five year old. He was so flustered, did the other really miss him? 'What is he doing with those photos?'

And what's up with Beomgyu liking all this? He would be crept out if someone was clicking his pictures without his concern. Why wasn't this feeling wrong?


He happily hoped his way towards his University. And as expected the premises were full of students, different majors some had their noses poked into their books and some were just having fun time with their friends. May it be a weekday or weekend the uni was never deserted.

Beomgyu brooded in the hallways making way towards the common library. Smiling at his acquaintances and slightly bowing at the seniors. With new enthusiasm he made it into the big library.

He entered through the front door while there were other three doors on each side, a back door which led the way to the back wing when you exited the library and side doors leading to east and the west wings. Four librarians at each entrance.

He showed his ID card to her and with a quick glance she typed his name on the Computer screen infront of her, registering the time and stuff. She nodded giving him an indication that she was done and he could go inside.

It wouldn't take him much anyways he just needed to borrow a book and then leave maybe at study cafe or something like that . He silently walked towards a particular section he was familiar with in the Science row.

They had to know something about everything be that be their major or not. They needed to have the basics from each branch. And Beomgyu was a great student he was familiar with all these. And he was doing this for extra credit work.

He traced his fingers over the books and searched for a black bound medium sized book. He stooped when he found the multiple copies of the book and carefully pulled out one for himself, checking if it was alright and had all it's pages.


He had issued the book from the library and was now in the east wing, business and accountancy.

Beomgyu stumbled back a bit as a shoulder hit his sides. He turned around and met an angry face, it was Yeonjun.

But slowly when their gazes met the older's eyes trembled and tears started forming. His triggered face turned into a guilty one, he turned back around. He didn't have enough courage to face the younger. Or he thought he wasn't worth the other's time after what he had done. He was no one to seek for forgiveness.

But Beomgyu caught hold of his wrist, he whispered softly "Hyung." Old friendship broken a few weeks ago, the separation wasn't hard but continuing it surely was. No matter how toxic some things are it's hard to live without them. So was the older, a look of regret over his face and Beomgyu gave in.

Yeonjun slowly turned but kept his eyes on the ground, "Sorry..." He muttered. Did he really deserve forgiveness? Yeonjun doesn't think so.

Beomgyu was weak, tears already rolled down his face. He pulled the other in his embrace, he was longing for this broken friendship to fix itself. And here the moment was. The other people in the hallway might have glanced at them for a bit but they were to stressed with their own shit to give a fuck about others'.

"I-it's okay hyung, I for-rgive you." Beomgyu whispered inbetween his sound lowered sobs. The older hugged him back also in tears now, continuously breathing the same words "I am sorry, I don't deserve a second chance." The older was literally shaking with his words.

"No, hyung it's fine." Beomgyu stumbled upon his words a small smile curved onto his face, he missed his dear Yeonjun hyung.

Yeonjun smirked, 'Oh Mr. Choi Yeonjun you should be an actor.' He broke the embrace and faked a guilty face. "A-are yo-ou su-re Beomie-?" He guilt tripped the younger. "Yes, hyung." "So, we are fine?" He looked up at the other with crocodile tears and fake shimmering hope in his eyes. The younger nodded happily, wiping his own tears with the back if his hand.

Yeonjun hugged him once again, Beomgyu was caught off gaurd but smiled anyways hugging him back. The older wiped his fake tears 'Beomgyu sweetie you are too easy.'

•°Emotional Manipulation°•


Another chapter done.

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