-.CHAPTER 45.-

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Unedited as usual.
Note: Overuse of the word please.

You couldn't provide him with comfort anymore, his world had just fallen apart

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You couldn't provide him with comfort anymore, his world had just fallen apart.

Into fragments, he could barely comprehend, pieces that showed no signs of mending themselves together, ever. The designs he had spent days and nights perfecting were now wrapped around models who walked down a runway that did not belong to him. Exceptional? They indeed were, adorning the bodies of smiling models, he wanted to be proud so bad but what use was it when the designs weren't associated with him anymore? What could he possibly be proud of?

Multiple missed calls and messages from his staff, he wishes he never saw. At the dagger piercing through his heart, his heart cries, helplessly in the hope of this being a dream, a nightmare, something that just wasn't real. This can't be happening, has to be some nightmare, right?

It was a sick game life was playing with him, to first give him hopes of a soaring high, to provide him with dreams, dreams so big, reaching such heights that the skies would shy away from their mere existence, only then to drag him down to the deepest sorrows it could offer. Must be pathetic, to care for something with such immense passion, to put your everything into it, just to have it snatched away from you. To know that this something was now not yours, to begin with, that it exists in a world where the last breath it takes is not with you.

Today, the first and only person he turns to when he's having trouble wasn't picking up his calls, that never happens, Jaemin always picks up his calls, no matter what. What went down today? After several useless attempts of trying to call his best friend, it finally hit him, not like a truck but a blazing hot meteor, so far away once that you'd never think about it, twice you think, it's nearer, you fear for the first, and on thrice, you don't think because it strikes, with such hatred and precision, creating a huge hole in you but right now it strikes with such force that it leaves him hollow.

Tears. That's what Beomgyu saw.

Tears in the eyes of the man who never bowed down to anyone, the assumed strongest of all, a man that was never supposed to lose but he cries, cries because he is not that man today, he is just a boy, a boy of such tender age with broken dreams, ofcourse, he cries but even then, he does it so silently, to not be a bother, you wouldn't hear a sound from him because everything was okay, "Tae? What's wrong?" "Okay," he says with fragility unbeknownst to his voice, upon hearing that, something tugs at Beomgyu's heart, what happened? Everything was fine before.

Beomgyu holds his face, trying to get him to speak but the boy just looks down, not wanting the brunette to look at him in such a state, that he himself wouldn't want to look at. "Tae, tell me what happened. Maybe I can help, look whatever it is, I am here?"

Beomgyu really starts to panic, upon seeing Taehyun in this state he doesn't know what to do, how to handle it, what to feel, seeing him in distress made him lose his sanity, he thought he was ready, he thought he would be this hero, the saviour who'd one day help Taehyun with his emotions, he always looked for an opportunity but now that he is presented with one, he himself feels helpless. "Taehyun, please tell me what's happening?" "Help me," He heard the voice break, "Help me forget that I ever had a dream, that my designs were never stolen!" the first time Taehyun asked him for his help and he can't help him.

Saying he could help was so easy, but who could tell the sweet Beomgyu that this wasn't something he could ever help with, once it was done, it was done. Beomgyu looks at Taehyun's phone, now he understands that no amount of words could comfort him, nothing would amount to the grief and sadness clouding the younger's mind. "What?! They can't just steal your designs like that, can they?" he asks in disbelief, Taehyun looks up at him with agony, jaw clenched trying to hold onto reality while his eyes were tearing in pain, "Yes they can and they did, proving that those designs are mine would take weeks and weeks till then the event would've already arrived, there would simply be no point," he's yelling now, all the emotions hitting him, this was not good for he was an emotionally stunted guy, he could barely handle one emotion at a time, let alone multiple negative ones all at one.

"Taehyun, hey-" Beomgyu grabbed his face, his face had suddenly morphed into nothing, absolutely nothing, totally blank, it wasn't the usual cold beneath those eyes but a certain emptiness, no matter how beautiful the man in front of him was this situation was anything but beautiful, it was horrifying. The brunette helplessly hugged him, Taehyun's face was wet because of the tears he cried out earlier, tears no longer streamed down his face now. It was as if Beomgyu was hugging a lifeless body, void to the core, "Taehyun Please say something," He pulled back trying to see something, "Don't act like this Tae, look- look I am here," He nodded his head trying to make him understand that he was there, upon seeing no reaction he hugged him back, even tighter, "I am here, it's going to be okay." Beomgyu knew it was false hope but he couldn't do anything else, he couldn't believe thinking this but he rather have Taehyun cry to him or even yell at him than have him sit there null of emotion, tears streamed down his own face, he was losing control over himself and the situation.

The event is in five weeks and he has nothing to show for it, in no way would he be able to produce five lines of original pieces within this short span of time and even if that was physically possible, he doesn't hold the mental capacity to do so. After all, he had put every creative ounce he could into that bloody line that was not his anymore. 

That's when he felt something wet on his shirt, he pulled back in relief hoping to see tears but that feeling shattered completely on seeing the nosebleed. Beomgyu swiped a trembling finger over the blood, trying to make it stop, "Tae please, look at me, breathe slowly," He held onto those cold hands trying to transfer all the warmth he could, pulling onto them in fear, also in the very hope of revoking something, anything. 

"Tae please, for me, for you, for us please don't do this, it's going to be okay," "No- it's not," Taehyun whispered those words, not wanting to believe them himself. Beomgyu's heart broke hearing that little voice, the man could barely speak. Beomgyu doesn't believe in deities but if there was one listening and watching, he asks, wishes, pleads and begs. Beomgyu clutches onto Taehyun's wrists like a desperate man.

And that's when he felt the younger's pulse, his eyes widened in horror, "GOD NO- Hey! Look at me Tae, does your chest hurt, do you feel dizzy? God Tae- Just wait here- where's my phone oh my god-" cold sweat was covering Taehyun's body, his hand flew to his chest, face turning into a grimace of pain, he looked at Beomgyu in fear. This was not good, no no no "Tae breathe slowly-" Beomgyu choked out between sobs, trying to hold onto him as well as pulling out his phone from the pocket. He tried dialling the hospital but his screen became insensitive to his touch as his tear covered the whole display, "Fuck fuck!" he wiped the screen on his jeans, dialling up the hospital once again, simultaneously patting Taehyun's cheek and rubbing over his heart with the other hand, "Tae please don't do this," he cried head bowing down, "Hello- emergency oh god, at- at 23rd floor XXX condominium complex, apartment 2304, Gangnam-gu, symptoms of heart attack, this is my fuck sorry- my phone number, Choi Beomgyu 13032001BG, patient's name would be- would be Kang Taehyun-"  


Another chapter done! 

Sorry for the delay in updating, I was sick but I am fine now- so here you go :)

Look at this btw

Look at this btw

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