-.CHAPTER 33.-

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Beomgyu woke up, not to his phone ringing or the birds chirping, but to the silence of the room and to the day breeze

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Beomgyu woke up, not to his phone ringing or the birds chirping, but to the silence of the room and to the day breeze. He looked to his side, finding no one, it's funny how no matter how early he wakes up, Taehyun always managed to be the earliest of all. Beomgyu would be lying if he said that he was well-rested, he wasn't, even after the 8-hour sleep, the empty nauseatic feeling in his stomach didn't contribute well to his excitement. He was about to get out of bed when Taehyun walked in, "Oh, you're awake," he beamed at the brunette's fluffy hair which were sticking out in every direction.

Taehyun moved towards the boy, who was trying to flatten his hair with his hands like a puppy, the blonde put his hand in front of him, like an invitation, covered in white bandages like falling drapes, Beomgyu glanced at the hand then at the man to whom it belonged, he placed his hand onto the other's, the rough cloth rubbing against his palm, the cold fingers wrapped around his hand, pulling him up, smiling as he walked him towards his studio.

Rounding up their linked hands around Beomgyu's waist and covering his eyes with the other hand, Beomgyu let out a confusing string of words which Taehyun shushed down, "Just tell me how you like them," he swiftly dragging him along inside the studio.
Fluttering his eyelids, adjusting to the light in the studio, gaping at the sight in front of him, Beomgyu's back pressed against Taehyun's chest as he moved back in excitement. The silhouettes standing upright, three of them blessed with beautifully finished clothing, it was an aesthetically pleasing sight. His eyes widened, awestruck, he didn't consider himself an artist or an authentic creator but he had great admiration for people who did, certain art forms had always stroked a peak level of excitement in him, in this case, tailoring and fashion. "For you," Taehyun smiled down at the male, Beomgyu's stimulus responded making him turn around and hop on his feet, "For me?" He pointed at himself, glancing back at the clothes unable to keep his eyes off them.

Taehyun let out a dry chuckle, answering his question with a small hum. "You made them- wait, when did you do all this?" Beomgyu turned around, his suspicions rising above the ground, Taehyun probably stayed up all night to work, which was just partially true. "Don't worry, I just had to give them a few finishing touches." He smiled, as Beomgyu grabbed on his shirt looking back at the silhouettes, "They are really pretty."

"Let's see how pretty they look on your beautiful self," Taehyun let go of Beomgyu's hand, moving in front of him, "Choose one for today." All three of them were well made and undoubtedly stunning but Beomgyu had his eyes lingering over the one on the far left. Gender-neutral, yet subtly feminine, and elegant. Not having the slightest idea of their day or the venue, he'd still choose the same one, it was versatile, quite bold too.

Beomgyu pointed at it instinctively, "Right, now let's get dressed quickly," Taehyun carefully removed the dress from the silhouette, handing it over to Beomgyu, walking beside Beomgyu leaving him to his room to get ready for the day, Beomgyu had all his belongings in his room still.

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