-.CHAPTER 35.-

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"Ah-h yes," the brunette looked at his parents, smiling awkwardly, "explain," his mother placed the cutlery down, their sweet eyes now sharpened, although they were very loving, if the talk revolved around strict matters as such, they couldn't be more serious. "Please don't get mad though," he nervously glanced up at his parents, Beomgyu wasn't scared that his parents would turn out to be homophobes but rather he was scared if they'd approve of Taehyun. He never had been into a serious relationship before, and his parents were always protective over him, he was their only child, after all, they simply wanted the best for him. "You remember the roommate I told you about? This is him," "What's his name?" "Taehyun," "Sweet."

There were no further questions, Beomgyu was waiting for a downpour but that didn't happen, "That's it?!" "Yeah, your blushing face speaks a lot, if you're happy, we're happy!" That didn't convince Beomgyu at all, he frowned, it was quite unusual of them to pass the situation off like this, "there's nothing else you want to know?" "Nope" "Should I be glad that you trust me or should I be worried that you don't care?" "We would just like to meet him!" "Knew it, you guys couldn't have approved so easily!" He pointed his fingers towards them while squinting his eyes, his parents scoffed in disbelief, also, in perfect synchronisation, "We already approve of him just a little face to face check," Mrs Choi informed him, as if she was about to inspect this boyfriend guy, her tone was similar to that of an undercover agent, which simply made Beomgyu giggle, reminded him of his childhood days when his mom would pull off the same tone when asking him if he had seen the chocolate bars she had left on the counter.

"I don't know if he'll get some free time, he's always so busy," Beomgyu spoke as he stuffed his cheeks with rice, "but, I'll still ask." Soon the conversation shifted towards more laid back topics, funnily his parents never brought up his exams, which was surprising since education was a priority always.


Beomgyu threw himself onto the soft mattress, he stared at the ceiling, smiling mindlessly at the happy train of thoughts, oh happy- brought him back to Taehyun, he quickly shuffled back onto his feet reaching out to get his phone, curious if Taehyun had sent him anything. And indeed the younger had, 'How was your day?' Beomgyu smiled at the simple question, damn he was in love, like in love, love. He had no problems with being a lovestruck bird, in fact, he quite enjoyed being one, his hopes were never shattered ofcourse, he'd love that feeling.

He sent a long paragraph describing his day, he eagerly waited for a response, he knew Taehyun was usually a late replier and didn't check his phone that often but he saw the green light pop up on the younger's contact, active. Beomgyu giggled, ah Taehyun must really miss him.

They talked for a while, when Taehyun said he had to go, it was midnight, Beomgyu suddenly frowned, now that he wasn't there to keep track of the workaholic Taehyun, the younger certainly did slip off. It bothered him, he quickly typed out his request. "Please don't overwork, you know how that ends." Read.

For 1 minute.

For five, six, seven- still active, eight, nine, okay Beomgyu was just being dramatic, he wondered what Taehyun was doing since, it was quite a common practice for him to forget to respond. All of a sudden Beomgyu's phone ringed loudly, Taehyun calling...
Beomgyu quickly accepted the call, he heard the wind rustling on the other side, a typical midnight rush, "I love you." He heard Taehyun breathe out, the voice felt cold and bare, wearing off, probably tired. Beomgyu smiled, "I love you too!" He chirped, rolling on his bed, he heard Taehyun smile, the call has ended. Beomgyu looked at the screen, unbelievable, this guy called him just to say that, cheesy as heck and Beomgyu loved it. He blushed like a cherry, stuffing his face into the soft pillow unable to contain the warmth at the pit of his stomach and the loud thumping against his chest.

"He's lovesick," Mrs Choi whispered, Mr Choi, nodded as they both stared at their son from the slight opening of the door. "This guy seems nice," she whispered again, moving away from the frame, Beomgyu's father replicated the action, "I really hope that he doesn't break Beomgyu's heart," Mr Choi sighed looking towards the door, "he's so in love, it would shatter him completely." The couple drowned in worry as they went back to their room. The thing is, that this is Beomgyu's first relationship, he never had his heartbroken that way, and his parents were worried that their fragile little boy would break apart, and for them the probability of his heart getting broken was more than 50 per cent, indicating that first love doesn't last long, saying that you have to get your heart broken at least once. That's the stigma surrounding relationships, who could blame them, the society brought them up like that, it's said that in your very first relationship you're blind and naive.

And just maybe, that's the truth here, Beomgyu was indeed blind and naive, wasn't he? Luckily for him, it wouldn't pass off as disadvantageous, Taehyun wouldn't let go of him that easy. Although Beomgyu wasn't aware of Taehyun's thoughts or feelings, other than the random outbursts confessions and small acts of appreciation, he hadn't seen Taehyun express himself emotionally, mentally or physically unlike himself who loved talking about his whereabouts, likings, opinions, etc, he always expressed himself publically, it was his normal. 

Beomgyu had no doubts that Taehyun had a special kind of liking towards him, he labelled it as love but apparently, he wasn't aware of the growing obsession, which sat on the seesaw with 'love', up-down, up-down, the younger's mind going back and forth between the two. Mind you, severe obsessions don't end well, and day by day Taehyun was stepping upwards in the scale of severity, it had to be controlled or tamed, otherwise something ugly and unwelcoming would engulf the two. 

And Taehyun, a guy who lacked emotional wisdom, a someone who acted upon impulse because for him emotions quickly became overwhelming, it wasn't his forte yet it always worked out in his favour, so, why would he even care? But things have changed, he is now in love, a concept which carries various emotions and now, knowing and understanding his emotions is a must. Because if Taehyun keeps acting on impulse, it would only lead to the down fall of their names. But how? The guy hasn't grasped the concept of it, he just happens to exist.

Noone was there to point it out to him, no Beomgyu, no Jaemin could see through that mind, it was beyond complex. Only time could tell us the outcome but it happens to be moving slowly now.


Another Chapter Done!

Getting somewhere? Or just creating an illusion while you go in rounds around the same place thinking you're going somewhere else?


My top 5 of 2021 lol ^

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My top 5 of 2021 lol ^

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