-.CHAPTER 21.-

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He cried himself to sleep, for the first time in forever, he started feeling all sorts of negative emotions. It didn't take him long to realize that he was in the wrong, it was his fault too, somewhere if he hadn't been toxic all this long, the younger might've looked at him in a different way.

He went through all the five stages of grief in one night, accepting that the other wasn't for him but what about the hate he had gathered? 'Don't worry, the universe has someone else for you.' he convinced himself. But who was going to tell the vulnerable boy that there wasn't a pair with his name in it? 

Two broken people either fit perfectly or are the cause of each others' destruction. It just wasn't Beomgyu and Yeonjun who were broken the seemingly unwithered Taehyun was broken somewhere or the other, love had its fixes for Taehyun and Beomgyu, what about Yeonjun then?

Should he leave them alone without causing any further problems?

Should he approach Taehyun and apologize? Was the younger even aware of all this? Isn't it unfair for him? 

⑅ Took him long enough to consider the third side but does he deserve to be forgiven? Or more importantly, will Taehyun forgive him? 

In all this chaos of thoughts, from some unknown parts, his brain faintly whispered "Fight for your love and fuck Taehyun, get him out of the way! Confess once again, make Beomgyu yours."  But it was too faint and went completely unnoticed in between all of the disarray.

Or did it? 


• Taehyun •  

Kang entered his car with so much cramming inside his head, he was leaving earlier than usual. The roads were busy but the car slid through it smoothly and made its way to the main lane. This time no driver, it was just him with his mind which relentlessly walked him through different scenarios. No matter how smoothly the wheels were going there was this strong urge to stop in the middle of the busy road, just for a moment, to let go of all of these worries. To honk mindlessly at the people, yell so loudly that it would lead to a breakdown.

But no, he was bottling all these emotions, it was chronically irritating and gloomy. He couldn't get past his temper just stuck inside his own head. For the first time in forever, he couldn't control his mind. For the first time in forever, he was caught in the state of hyperprosexia; where his focus was just on that one incident over all the other things.

The lights turned red, he stopped the car sighing as he looked up at the rearview mirror, resting on the backseat, the gifts from Japan, for someone special. 

He shook his head, it was getting hard to breathe, all these thoughts were choking him, he unbuttoned the top button of the tucked-out and loose white shirt, fanning himself but the air-conditioned air was suffocating. Slowly rolling the tinted glasses down he let the soft night breeze caress his face, in the hopes that it would wash away his worries.

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