-.CHAPTER 39.-

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Unedited as usual.

The sun had been up for a while now, Taehyun, who was up with the sun stared down at Beomgyu sleeping soundly beside him, at peace

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The sun had been up for a while now, Taehyun, who was up with the sun stared down at Beomgyu sleeping soundly beside him, at peace. The blonde reached down to his face, tracing a finger along his features, minutely skipping over some parts of him while laying more emphasis on others, sliding from the angular slant of his nose to the slight blemishes on the pale skin of his cheeks, pausing a second longer on his lips, his finger trailing towards a particularly favourite feature of his, a small mole on the side of his neck. He smiled with fondness as the brunette leaned into his touch, shifting hai position as he tried to wake up, Beomgyu was not the one to wake up early, "it's alright, you can sleep, I'll get ready for work," Taehyun chuckled getting up as the older smirked with satisfaction but soon groaned as the warmth left him, "you're one heck of an early bird." "Creature of habit," Taehyun shrugged, looking at Beomgyu for a couple of seconds more before tearing his eyes away and walking towards the bathroom.


It was hard to get back to sleep now that his mind was laying there awake, last night replaying in his mind. He had always been so open about his problems, that they hardly stayed inside him, he confined in people and it worked for him, helping him solve the problem, getting to look at them from different perspectives, then find active solutions or just easing the stress, it hadn't always been easy but it wasn't hard either, it all came naturally to him, he had never thought that someone might find it so hard that they physically try and avoid the problem, god forbid what mental turmoil they go through. 

With enough persuasion, all his friends would speak up. Taehyun was on a different page though, chapters ahead or behind, it doesn't matter, all Beomgyu knows is that there needs to be a channel, channel to let these emotions and problems out, for them to not build up and cause a huge problem later on. Not just with it affecting others by the outburst but it has a physical effect on the people, heart problems, blood pressure and what not, as a medical student he knows that this is not healthy and there needs to be a solution to this. If it were so confusing for him, he doesn't know what Taehyun must be keeping within. It worried him, it scared him. 

Beomgyu was such an open book, his worries were painted on his face, "Are you okay?" wow, he could ask that so simply but upon being asked the same question he would never give an actual answer, always dismissive and defensive. Taehyun was looking at him with such concern it amazed the older how the man acted as if he had no problems for himself to worry about but on seeing a small frown on his boyfriend's face he seems to get all worked up. 

Applaud the hypocrite nature of the younger's mind, please.

"I am fine, just worried that How the heck am I unable to sleep back? Are the great Kang Taehyun traits rubbing on me?" he smiled, happy that he lied convincingly. Only then, did the blonde's stiff shoulders relax, he masked it so well, if Beomgyu hadn't been a subject to what had happened yesterday night he would have been simply unaware of the internal conflict in the blonde's mind, he would've never thought of it like always. Well dressed always, the blank expression he usually wore which you would often mistake for his disinterest, well that was partially the truth but it was mainly a facade for him. You'd never question his sanity, for you were just a passerby but it worried Beomgyu to heights he'd never climb for himself. 

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