Chapter 19 Done

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It had been a couple of days since Harry cheated on me and I had managed to avoid him, not that he had even tried to apologize or make it up to me. He never even tried to text or call me. Unfortunately, that also meant avoiding the rest of the boys. I spent a lot of time with Kaitlyn and focused on school work. The guys would start touring a week after I left for the States again and they were rehearsing a lot and trying to get things ready for the tour. I hated that this whole deal with Harry was hurting my friendships with the rest of the guys. I knew that we would have to talk soon. 

*Next Day

I woke up on my own, in no hurry to get out of bed. I didn't have classes today and Niall had talked about doing something with the boys. I had been so focused on school work lately that I had nothing left to work on. That meant that I would probably be stuck with the guys. I didn't mind any of them but Harry. I can't believe he hasn't even tried to talk to me. I heard the TV in the other room and yelled at Niall. 

Me: Niall! 

Soon the door opened and I saw his cute little smile in the door frame. 

Niall: You need something, Shay? 

Me: Is anybody else over? 

Niall: Just Zayn, why? 

I nodded and sat up. 

Me: I need to talk to him. 

He looked confused. 

Niall: Zayn? 

Me: No! 

Niall: Oh! Right, well he said that he would be in his room today. We aren't going to go do anything until this afternoon. 

I smiled weakly. 

Me: Thanks Niall. 

He smiled and left, shutting the door behind him. I got up and changed into this After I was ready I grabbed my phone off of the charger and opened the door. I said goodbye to Niall and Zayn before I walked out of the apartment. I kept running possible conversations over and over in my head, not knowing what to expect. Would he try to get me back? Probably not, seeing as he hasn't even tried to make things right. Would he even care what that he hurt me? Was I just yesterday's fun? Before I wanted to be I was standing in front of his door. This door used to make me smile at the thought of who was inside, waiting for me with a kiss. I pushed the image through my mind and took a deep breath. I raised my hand to knock, but before I made contact with the door, it opened and I was face to face with Harry. He looked surprised, and I'm sure I did as well, pulling my hand quickly to my side. 

Harry: Shay 

Me: Hi. 

There was a pause before I decided to break the silence. 

Me: We need to talk. 

Harry: Actually I was on my way to find you. 

He looked at me for a while before stepping back and holding the door open for me. 

Harry: Come on in. 

I stepped in carefully and stood in front of the couch. He closed the door and then sat down. 

Harry: You can sit. 

I reluctantly sat and bittersweet memories came rushing through my mind, nearly giving me a headache. Movie nights, making out, and cuddling now felt so distant and weird, but it hurt to think of losing them. I looked at him and his expression was unchanged. He was still silent so I decided that I should get this over with. 

Me: I think we both know that it's over. 

My eyes fell to the ground and I felt them sting at the thought. 

Harry: I don't want it to end like this. 

Suddenly anger overcame the sadness in me and I found the strength to look him in the eyes. 

Me: Well how did you want it to end? 

Harry: That's not what I meant. I don't want to lose you. 

Me: Obviously you don't care about me too much. You haven't even tried to call me and apologize for making that night the worst of my life. 

My eyes flew around the room and landed on the wall, anger pulsing through me. 

Harry: I wanted to give you some time to cool off. I was afraid that if I pushed too hard I would lose you. 

I shook my head in disbelief and I looked in his eyes again. I started off talking and ended up nearly yelling. 

Me: You thought that just staying out of my life after you slept with whatever slut came up to you at the club would fix things between us?! You thought that I wouldn't care if I just had a little time to think about another girl in your arms doing the very thing with you that we both agreed to wait on?! 

Tears started flowing slowly down my cheeks at the thought that I had been trying to avoid for days. 

Harry: I made a mistake! I'm sorry! I care about you, Shay! 

I paused and when I spoke it was almost a whisper, choked up by the tears. 

Me: You have quite the way of showing it. 

His expression saddened. 

Harry: Shay... 

Me: I just can't handle this. We're done. 

I got up to go and he followed suit. 

Harry: Please give me a second chance! 

My voice was still a choked up whisper. 

Me: I tried that once and it only made the next time worse. 

I shrugged. 

Me: I'm out of extra tries. 

I went to the door. 

Harry: Please don't go. 

I didn't even pause or turn around, knowing that I might lose to his eyes. 

Me: Bye Styles. 

I just kept walking, feeling his eyes on me as I left. 


Watching her cry was killing me. How could I be so stupid? 

Me: Please don't go. 

It tore me up seeing her walk away. She didn't even pause at my plea, but just kept walking. 

Shay: Bye Styles. 

Then I knew there was no going back. She never called me Styles.

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