Chapter 6 Surprise

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Little Authors note(: hope you guys like my story and vote for it ! I really hope to make more chapters really soon! but for now here are these 6 chapters! thanks!         -Shay xx                                                                                                                        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I laughed to myself and replied to his text. I rolled over in bed and looked at the time. 1:30 I should probably go to sleep, but I'm busy. Harry texted me as soon as they left for the hotel and we have been texting non-stop since then. I don't know what happened but I feel like I have known him for years and I can't wait for tomorrow so that I can see him again. I felt a buzz in my palm and opened Harry's text. 

Harry: As much as I love talking to you, our manager will kill me tomorrow if I fall asleep during rehearsals. I will text you tomorrow whenever I have some free time. Night love ;) 

I smiled. What a sweetheart. 

Me: I understand. I need to get some sleep for my classes too. I will be waiting :) Goodnight 

I fell asleep almost instantly after sending that text. When my alarm went off I found that my phone was still in my hand with my conversation with Harry pulled up. Seeing it made me smile as I got up and got ready. I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand and instantly dropped my straightener to go read it. 

Harry: Good morning beautiful :) 

I blushed. Man! I had better learn how to control that. 

Me: Morning :) 

Harry: I'm on my way to rehearsal, but I can't wait to see you afterwards 

Me: Me either! 

I resumed straightening my hair and when I was completely ready I went down and hopped into the car with Niall's mom. She dropped me off and class began shortly. 


I opened the text. 

Shay: Me either! 

I smiled to myself. I looked up to see Liam and Zayn eyeing me suspiciously. 

Zayn: What are you so happy about? 

Me: I just beat my high score on this game. 

Liam: Mhmm 

They finally left me alone. I didn't want them to know about me and Shay...not yet anyways. We went through rehearsals and as we were singing What Makes You Beautiful I got an idea. When we broke for lunch I ate hurriedly and then said I had to go to the bathroom. I made a few calls. When I got back the other lads were waiting for me on stage. 

Louis: Where have you been? 

Me: Bathroom. 

They all gave me weird looks but then our tour director started telling us what to do and so I got off the hook. I was going to have to be more careful. When we took another break I discreetly texted Shay. 

Me: Do you like red? 

Shay: Yeah why? 

Me: Just wondering :) 

This was going to be perfect. I just had to keep it from the guys. 


My classes ended and I started walking out with a couple new friends that I had made. Their names were Brooke and Rose. (shoutout to MistressLupin and rustyrosy7 for all the support!) We were all walking towards the parking lot. They both drove because they lived here, but I had to go find Mrs. Horan. I said goodbye and looked for Niall's mom. She wasn't there yet. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out. 

Harry: Do you like red? 

What? That was completely random, but I guess that is just another reason I like him! 

Me: Yeah why? 

Harry: Just wondering :) 

That was weird. Was he always like this? I wanted to ask him about it but then Mrs. Horan pulled up. I jumped in the car and she took me back to the house. She had to go to a meeting so she just dropped me off. I went up to the room I was staying in and started working on some homework so that I could hang with the guys when they got back. I was in the middle of a math problem when I heard the doorbell. Since nobody else was home, I went to get the door. There was a delivery man outside. I opened the door and he smiled at me. 

Man: Hello! Are you Shay Hartnett? 

Me: That's me! 

Man: Then this is for you. 

He handed me a large, unmarked package. Strange. 

Me: May I ask who this is from? 

Man: The sender wishes to remain anonymous. 

Me: So it's not from America? 

Man: No ma'am. 

Me: Ok thank you. 

Man: My pleasure! Have a nice day. 

I closed the door and took the package upstairs. I opened it slowly. I saw red fabric. Harry. I opened it all the way. I pulled it out of the box and a note fluttered to the floor. It was a red dress. I saw something sparkling in the box and looked down. There were gorgeous heels. I picked up the note. 


I hope you like it! We talked about shoes the other night and I guessed on the dress size. I'll be there to pick you up at 8:00. Don't tell the guys. 

- Harry

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