Chapter 32 Sweet Melodies

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The girls dropped me off and kept asking if I was ok. Melissa had work in the morning so she went home. Since Brooke and Rose were staying here, they stayed and talked with me. After a while, Brooke went down to Harry and Louis' room to talk to Louis, but since Niall was down the hall, Rose chatted with me until she heard the door open. 

Rose: Do you mind? 
Me: No! Don't let me ruin your night. Go enjoy Niall. 

I felt terrible for the others not having fun because of a little fight between me and Liam. She smiled and hurried out. I heard them embrace and it made me smile to hear my friends so happy. 

I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. I thought about all that had happened tonight. My head was still pounding and I ached all over, but nothing hurt as bad as what Liam had said. He was usually so sweet. I didn't know what happened. I genuinely thought that he would be excited to see me. 

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard soft singing from outside my window. That is odd. I had never taken the time to look out of this little window. I knew that my room was on the back side of the apartments. Since we were on the 4th floor I just figured that it was a lovely view straight down of concrete and streets. I sat up trying to determine if it was really what I thought or just some strange trick my brain was playing on me. I slowly walked towards the window, the song getting louder with each movement. I reached the curtain covered window and only then did I realize what song was being sung...More Than This. 

"I'm broken. Do you hear me? I'm blinded 'cause you are everything I see..." 

I recognized his angelic voice instantly. I pushed the curtain aside and looked to the left to find Liam standing on the fire escape. I lifted the window a bit and spoke to him. 

Me: What are you doing out there? 
Liam: Trying to fix my mistake. 
Me: It's freezing out. Come inside. 

I was expecting him to run down the stairs and come in the front door but I guess he thought that it would be better to attempt a Spiderman move. There was a gap between the railing of the fire escape and the ledge of my window. 

Me: Careful! You'll fall! 
Liam: Just sit quiet and open it all the way. 
Me: Why can't you go around? I don't want to drive you to the hospital at this ungodly hour. 

He waved off my warnings, intent on jumping in my window. I backed away a bit, but not too far because I didn't want to lose sight of him. In one leap he made most of his way inside and I pulled him all the way in. I guess I pulled a little too hard in my panic because soon we went tumbling onto my bed and he was on top of me. 

Me: You could've killed yourself! 
Liam: If that's what it takes to make you forgive me. 
Me: Don't say that. 
Liam: I mean it. Seeing the hurt in your eyes when I said that and watching you walk away as if our relationship didn't matter anymore killed me. 
Me: I wasn't ending it. 

He smiled and shook his head. 

Liam: I wasn't going to give you the chance. 

I returned his smile. He was such a sweetheart. 

Me: I couldn't stay mad at you if I tried. 

He leaned down, removing the space between us and kissed me. I kissed back but soon I broke it off. 

Me: You have work tomorrow. You need to go get some sleep. 
Liam: I would rather spend it with you. 
Me: You are so sweet, but your work is important. Millions of girls are counting on you! 

I said the last part jokingly and he chuckled before speaking. 

Liam: None of them compare to you. 
Me: I got the sweetest guy in the world. 

I put a hand on his face and gently kissed him before he rolled off and we sat up. He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

Me: Liam? 
Liam: Yes, love? 
Me: What is going to happen to us? 

He let out a sigh and was silent for a moment. I waited for a response nervously. Finally one came, but it didn't make me feel any better. 

Liam: I honestly don't know. 

I nodded and we just sat there enjoying every second we had together before I left. After a while I got up without removing my hand from his and pulled him up off of the bed. 

Me: Come on. You need to get going. It's late. 
Liam: I don't want to leave my Juliet. 
Me: I don't want my Romeo to leave me either, but you need sleep. 

He made a pleading puppy dog face. I shook my head while giggling and ruffled his hair. 

Me: Sorry Li. 
Liam: Hey! Cut that out! 

He swatted my hand away as always and brushed it back into place. He always hated people touching his hair, unless we were making out, that is. We walked out to find Rose and Niall asleep in each other's arms on the couch. They looked perfect together. We quietly went out the door and stood just outside the apartment. 

Me: Come over in the morning and I will have breakfast made before you guys go to the studio. 
Liam: Bacon and eggs? 
Me: Of course 
Liam: Biscuits and gravy? 
Me: It wouldn't be breakfast without them. 
Liam: Kiss me goodnight? 
Me: With pleasure 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his snaked around my waist. We had one long, heated kiss goodnight. When we separated we just smiled at each other and tried to slow our breathing. 

Me: I'll see you in the morning. 
Liam: Goodnight, Shay 

He gave me a peck on the cheek and then left for his apartment. I watched until he was out of sight and then went back in and quietly fell asleep, happy to have my Liam back.

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