Chapter 43 London Bound

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James: That ought to do it! 

He said as he threw my last bag in the cab. Today is the day we leave for the UK. I am extremely nervous about seeing Liam in person again, especially with his new girlfriend and James. I'm afraid I won't be able to resist those dark chocolate brown eyes that used to make me melt. 

James kissed me on the cheek, bringing me back to reality. I waved goodbye to my parents and Austin, who was also best friends with the BTR boys at this point. I slid into the cab and James followed me. 

We are meeting the others at the airport. He talked excitedly about England and the tour. I smiled and nodded when appropriate, but was too anxious about getting there to really listen. I felt bad, but I couldn't help where my mind went. All of a sudden, he stopped and got my attention. 

James: Hey 

Me: Huh? 

James: What's on your mind? 

Me: Just a lot of stuff. 

He eyed me suspiciously and practically read my thoughts. 

James: Are you worried about the trip and tour? 

I nodded hesitantly and he put his arm around me. 

James: It's all going to be great! 

Me: I know. And I can't wait to see the One Direction guys again, but I'm just nervous. 

James: Did you used to date one of them? 

Again, I nodded reluctantly. 

James: No worries. I'll be right beside you the whole time. 

I smiled up at him. He was so sweet. He leaned down and kissed my lips as we arrived at the airport. We were greeted by the other 3 guys jumping around like maniacs. These are my friends. I laughed to myself as we got out and checked in. 

After gathering our tickets, checking our luggage, and making our way through several security checkpoints, we sat in our gate and waited for the plane to arrive. It was a short wait, as the plane was ahead of schedule. 

As soon as the previous passengers got off, we boarded. Our seats were in first class. James and I sat next to each other with an emtpy seat next to James. The other three sat across the aisle so that we could chat. 

For a while, I almost forgot where we were going and who we were about to see. I really just enjoyed the boy's company. The comfortable feeling left all too soon when the pilot came over the intercom. 

Pilot: We will be landing shortly in London. The weather outside is drizzy and... 

He kept talking, but I stopped listening as my thoughts turned to Liam. What if he hated me for dumping him and leaving? What if he didn't care anymore? He had obviously moved on with his current girlfriend, but were they serious? Or just a fling? A million thoughts like this flowed effortlessly through my mind. 

My thoughts were disrupted by James grabbing my hand. I looked up to find him smiling, trying to comfort me. I smiled weakly back. If he only knew the whole story. 

The plane touched down and as soon as we got to the gate, the doors opened. I unbuckled myself and the others did the same. After grabbing my purse and James' hand for support, I followed Kendall off the plane and into the terminal. 

The terminal was fairly empty. I think management kept it that way on purpose since two extremely popular boy bands were here. I scanned the large room nervously for One Direction. The BTR guys seemed to have a hard time finding them as well. 

I checked the monitor. Apparently our plane was supposed to come in at a different gate. Carlos saw this about the same time and at his remark, we started walking towards the old gate. My hands were clammy and shaky. Why was I this nervous? He is just an ex of mine. Well, he was more than that, but we were over. I shouldn't get this shook up at the mere thought of him, yet I was. 

As we neared the gate, I saw the backs of 5 familiar heads. Kendall yelled their names, and one by one they turned around. I gulped, not ready for this moment. 


Are you ready for Liam and Shay to be reunited? What will happen? Will they realize that they have moved on? Or rekindle the love they once shared? What do you think? What do you want to happen?

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