Chapter 35 Back to Reality

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I have been back home for a while now. The boys have been on tour, Melissa is back at Uni, and Brooke and Rose are back in university in Ireland. I have kept up with Niall, Brooke, and Rose, but that is about it. I have heard a little from Harry, but not much. I know he is plenty busy with all of the girls throwing themselves at him on tour. Melissa is working and going to school so she is doubly busy. 

I haven't heard anything from Liam. I still can't bring myself to call him after what happened. I miss him like crazy. I was so stupid to end it, no matter how hard things would be away from each other or how often we argued over stupid things. Oh well. It was all over now. 

Today I had an interview right after my classes for a local arena. There is an open internship position there to work with the lighting and sound crews there. I wanted to be involved with the music business so this was my shot at it. I had changed my major and was now focusing on performing arts. Lighting and sound seemed fairly interesting so that was what I was moving towards. 

Class was dismissed and I grabbed my bag, bolting for the door. One of the boys in my class stopped me. 

Nate: Hi Shay! What's up? 

Me: Hi Nate. I have an interview. 

I smiled, trying to be polite as I pushed through the door, but he kept up with my quick pace and kept talking. 

Nate: Really? For what? 

Me: An internship at the arena. 

Nate: That sounds exciting! 

Me: It really is and I would love to stay and tell you more but I don't want to be late. See you tomorrow! 

I didn't really give him a chance to answer, waving as I left. Every girl has that one guy that likes her that she would never consider dating but thinks is super sweet. Nate is mine. Everyone else thinks I'm crazy for not hooking up with him. Let me explain: He is a soccer player and is really pretty good. He is tall, athletic, attractive, and sweet. Now you see why he is a great catch. I don't know why I'm not attracted to him. Just about any other girl I know wouldn't dream of turning him down, yet I'm the one he picks. Lucky me. 

I ran to my car and threw my bag in the floor as I jumped in. My hands swatted the air, searching for the steering wheel. I sighed as I looked to my left. I was back in Oklahoma, not London. I got out and went to the other side of the car, several choice words running through my mind. 

It didn't take me long to get to my destination with some time to spare. The interview was quick and seemed to go fairly well, at least I hoped so. I would hear back from them in a week since they had several others to interview and lots of deciding to do. I drove back home and walked in to find my mother cooking. 

Mom: Hey honey! How did it go? 

Me: I think it went well. What's for dinner? 

We chatted for a bit before Austin came running through kicking a soccer ball around. 

Mom: Whoa! Why is there a ball in the house? 

Austin: Sorry, Mom. 

He picked it up and threw it into the back yard before coming back to the kitchen. I poked him jokingly as he came through. 

Me: Better watch it, Shorty. 

Austin: Who are you calling Shorty? I'm taller than you. 

We got in a small and very short tickle fight. 

Me: You will always be shorty to me. 

I ruffled his hair playfully and he laughed. He swatted me away, just like Liam used to. For a split second, the world froze. My mind replayed Liam and I play wrestling and me messing up his hair. 


Me: I didn't do anything. 

Liam: Well if you won't admit it, then I'm just going to have to tickle you. 

I squealed as his hands gripped my waist. I tried to run but I was laughing too hard. I was able to turn around and get a hand free. I messed up his hair and he instantly let me go to fix it. 

Liam: Easy now. 

Me: Come on. You care more about your hair than me? 

Liam: Not at all 

Me: Prove it 

Liam: Happily. 

He pulled me towards him and our lips crashed together perfectly. 


I snapped back to reality and heard my mom. 

Mom: Hop to it. 

Me: Do what? 

Austin: Are you deaf? She just asked you to get a bowl out. 

He tried to mess up my hair but I grabbed his hand, removing it from near my head before letting go. 

Me: Then I will go get a bowl. 

I went on with helping my mom get dinner ready, trying to shake the image of Liam and I together from my brain. My dad came home after a while and we ate. He asked me about the interview and I explained everything that happened. 

Dad: Sounds like you knocked 'em dead! 

Me: I hope so. I really want that internship. 

Mom: I'm sure you'll get it. 

Afterwards, I cleaned dishes. Just another ordinary day in the life of Shay Walker. Man, I missed England.

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