Chapter 24 Unexpected

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We ordered our food and I sat awkwardly, not knowing how this was going to work. Mandy didn't seem to think anything was weird and just kept on asking dumb questions. I had several snide remarks, but decided to keep them to myself. When Harry spoke, though, I couldn't help it. 

Harry: We love all of our fans. 

I murmured under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear. 

Me: Especially the ones without clothes on. 

He shot me a look and I smiled coyly. Liam tried to ease the tension by changing the subject, but Mandy went back to things about them and girls, making me want to punch her in the face. 

Mandy: So what was your first kiss like, Harry? 

I rolled my eyes and sipped on my Dr. Pepper while he answered her. 

Mandy: That is so cute! MY first kiss was... 

I quit listening to her. I couldn't take this much longer. She was SO annoying. I didn't know how Harry was putting up with her, but I guess her bare skin was enough for him. Our food finally came and I jumped in and so did the boys. When I looked up, Mandy was the only one lightly picking at her food. 

Me: Is that all you ordered? 

I looked suspiciously at her tiny salad. That stuff is rabbit food. 

Mandy: Of course. I have to be super careful during beach season. 

Me: You've got to be kidding me. 

Mandy: Why would I kid about that? 

I ignored her and went back to eating. As soon as I finished, I decided that I was done putting up with these two. 

Me: Liam, are you ready to go? 

Liam: Sure. See you later Hazza. Nice to meet you Mandy. 

He paid for us and we left. 

Liam: I'm sorry about that. I could tell you were uncomfortable. 

Me: Well I don't exactly make a habit of dining with my ex's and their new sluts. 

Liam: Sorry. 

Me: No I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking this out on you. 

Liam: I understand. Do you want to go watch a movie at my place or something? 

Me: That sounds like heaven. 

We drove back to his apartment and I made popcorn while he got the movie ready. I came back with the bowl and drinks for us. 

Me: So what are we watching? 

Liam: The Proposal. 

Me: That is my favorite! 

He chuckled. 

Liam: I know. That is why we are watching it. 

I hugged him. 

Me: Thanks, Liam. 

We sat back and started watching the movie. When Margaret and Andrew kissed at the end I slumped onto Liam's shoulder. 

Me: How cute is that? 

He laughed lightly and looked at me. 

Liam: Not as cute as you. 

I raised my eyebrows and he acted as if he were trying to retract his last statement. 

Me: You think I'm cute? 

He shrugged. 

Liam: I think you are beautiful. 

I blushed. Is this really happening? 

Me: No I'm not. 

I looked at the floor and his hand gently lifted my chin so that our eyes were facing each other. 

Liam: Yes you are. 

Our eyes locked and for a moment I saw every shade of brown in his eyes shining. I couldn't move or speak. He slowly leaned forward and I let my eyelids fall. His soft lips pressed up against mine ever so gently before slowly pulling away. I opened my eyes again and we were back to where we were. For a moment I wondered if it had really happened or if I had imagined it. 

Liam: You're irresistible. 

I smiled at the ground and blushed. 

Me: Back at ya. 

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