The common room

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Malfoy and I haven't spoken in 3 days. He's crawled right back to Pansy. He never has his arms around her per say, but she drools all over him. It's disgusting.

I sit down beside Lottie.

"What a prick. Pansy really takes any opportunity she can do climb up his ass." She soots Pansy a look.

"Whatever Lottie, she's a leach, always has been, always will be. But eventually she'll find someone new to latch onto."

Me and Lottie fall into a conversation about winter break and what our plans are.

"I'm staying in the city with my father this year for the holidays. Mums going to my nans house." She swirls the mashed potatoes on her plate with a fork.

"Unfortunately, Malfoy is spending three days at my house. His mother and mine are good friends. And Lucius sucks up to my father since he's the minister of magic. I think that he secretly resents him because he's a ravenclaw but-" Lottie cuts me off.

"Your rambling, so I'm gonna stop you now so I don't have to listen to your elaborate story for another 40-60 minutes." We both laugh and continue picking at our food.


Maybe using Pansy to make Salem jealous was a bad call. Pansy is easy to use, but hard to get rid of.

"So glad you've finally made a right decision." Pansy tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

"Mhm ya whatever." Lilia's long blonde hair falls gently over her collarbone.

Pansy starts telling some bullshit story that I'm not listening too. God does this wench ever shut up?
As we all leave the dinning hall, Lilia rams her shoulder into mine, knocking me into Pansy.
Stupid witch.


I walk into the Slytherin common room a little past curfew, just like I usually do. It's quite and it oddly feels homey to me, so I do my homework on the couch.

It's always empty. Always, but tonight a person sits on the couch.

"Salem." The back of his Ice blonde hair only being visible.

"God your worse than riddle when he wants treats. Please crawl back into the ditch you came from." I roll my eyes sitting on the opposite side of the sofa.

"It's a common room. I can sit here, or you can make me leave." He smirks. Some of his hair falls before his eyes.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I snarl at him.

We sit in silence for a while before he opens his mouth.

"What are you even doing down here. And why are you here so often?" He's curious.

"How do you know when and where I am all the time? Keeping tabs on me Malfoy?" I don't look up from my book.

"You'll never change. You're always going to find something to pick a fight about." He eyes me, waiting for a reaction.

"Me? Your delusional. You pick fights all the time, your just blindsided by the fact that I'm the only person who dares to talk back to you."

"Because I let you." God what a prick.

"Ill just leave." I say coldly.

As I begin to turn left, leading to the girls corridor, an arms grabs my waist and pulls me over in the opposite direction. Draco pull be so close I can inch forward and kiss him.

"Why are you always blowing up. Being angry with me. Can't you just get over it." He seems angry.

"Why are you always on everyone else's team but mine? You can't seem to decide who you want to be hooking up with!" I push him but he stands firm.

"God Lily, why are you always so difficult! Everything has to be a battle with you!" There he goes again with the Lily nickname.

"Why are you always acting like a tool!" I say back.

"I hate you."

"I hate you more." We star at each other for what seems like forever. He lets go of my waist and turns, but before he can walk away, I grab his arm and turn him to face me again.
I throw my hand over the back of his neck and kiss him.

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