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"Budapest?" Clint asked, furrowing his brows. "What's there?"

 Fury took a deep breath, "There are a group of skrulls hiding out there. We need you two to find them all, destroy them, and get back to base." He eyed Natasha and Clint. "Think you can do that?" Natasha scoffed, "Of course we can. Right, Clint?" she eyed him. Clint nodded, "You can definitely count on us."

Both Avengers were sent to Budapest with fake names. Clint's name was Benjamin Bond and Natasha's name was Penelope Bond. A married couple that decided to come to Budapest for their honeymoon. Once the plane landed they checked into a hotel and decided to snoop around. Clint wrapped an arm around Natasha as they walked around, eyeing everyone that walked by also trying to make sure it wasn't obvious at all. They walked into a small restaurant and the waitress led them to a small table by a window. They ordered drinks then scoped the area. A man sat on the other side of the room, nervously, and fidgeted slightly in his seat. Natasha noticed him quickly and noticed he began to sweat. Another man on the other side of the room glared at Natasha. She glanced at the one glaring and suddenly became confused. Were they both skrulls? Or was one a regular person? Clint noticed her confusion, but left her alone, knowing she'd get upset if he tried to help. Natasha glanced between them then came up with a small plan.

"I'm going to the bathroom, love." she touched Clint's hand gently and smiled then stood. Clint watched her walk towards the back door then saw both men stand. They followed her, but nobody would've noticed they were following her if you weren't watching them like a hawk. Natasha walked out into the alley and grabbed her hand purse then slowly opened it. The man that was glaring at her came out first and placed a hand on her shoulder. She immediately reacted and grabbed his wrist, flipping him over her. The other man wrapped his arms around her from behind pinning her arms to her side. She clenched her teeth and headbutted him. He pulled back quickly, grabbing his now broken nose. The one that was tossed onto the floor kicked her feet out from under her and tried to stand as fast as he could. Natasha quickly caught herself then kicked him where no man likes to be kicked. He bent over in pain and whimpered softly. She took her chance and uppercutted him causing him to land on his back out of breath. The man with the broken nose ran towards her trying to grab her again. She raised a brow then ducked far down enough so his arms went over her. He opened his eyes and blinked when he saw she wasn't in his clutch. She ran towards him and jumped, grabbing his face with her thighs and flipping him over so he was on his back just like the other. Natasha took a shaky deep breath and looked down at both the men, now green, and skrull looking like they should be. She walked back inside and sat back down at the table then smiled at Clint. He eyed her slightly and raised a brow, "Have a nice bathroom break?" She nodded, "Most definitely."

They ordered their food and ate like nothing had happened or like they weren't undercover trying to handle a spacealien problem. On the way back to the hotel, Natasha had taken her heels off and Clint was kind enough to carry her to their room. "Thank you." Natasha said as he gently set her down back on her feet. Clint nodded, "It really wasn't a problem." he started unbuttoning his jacket. She bit her bottom lip slightly, "Clint?" she whispered. He looked up, "Yes?" 

"This mission is just between you and I right? What happens to the skrulls is the only thing that gets reported to S.H.I.E.L.D. right?" Natasha furrowed her brows.

Clint pondered for a second then nodded, "Yes, I believe so. Why?"

Natasha didn't respond and was still biting her lip. Clint furrowed his brows and gently tilted her head up then looked into her eyes. He glanced down at her lips and saw they had parted. He looked back into her eyes and hesitated then kissed her softly.

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