The Real Clint Barton or not?

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Natasha's POV

She watched Clint come around the corner then let out a small sigh of relief. "Why didn't you answer when I called?" she eyed him slightly. He only shrugged. Clint held up a cup of coffee to her and smiled. Natasha couldn't stay mad at him forever and took the cup. "Thank you." she said before drinking down the hot, black liquid. She watched it drain into her mouth then let out a small sigh. Feeling all warm inside. She sat back on the bed and watched him walk back into the kitchen. She drank the rest of her coffee then got to thinking. Clint was usually quite talkative after a cup of coffee and she was usually the first to wake up and be the one to hand him coffee. She watched him walk back out, give her a small smile, then open their laptop. Natasha immediately walked over and closed it.

"What're you doing?" she asked.

 "Looking at...stuff." he replied and attempted to open the laptop back up, but Natasha leaned on it causing it to close once again. 

"Stuff?" she raised an eyebrow. "What kind of...stuff?" She watched him start to panick slightly then slowly set her cup down. Clint raised his hand with a knife in it and attempted to stab her in the side. Natasha grabbed his wrist tightly then broke it causing him to drop the knife and down to his knees. 

"Who the hell are you and where's Clint?!" she yelled, more worried than anything.

Clint's POV

'Is he awake?' 

'No. Just leave him alone.'

Clint's head was spinning. He tried moving his wrists, but could feel them tied. He tried to open his eyes, but all they did was close again. 

"N- Natasha?" he tried calling out. He heard somebody chuckle. That's definitely not Natasha. Clint heard them start to talk again before zoning out completely having no idea that a Skrull, that looked exactly like him, was at the hotel with Natasha.

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